Is LDN causing my headaches? Or sinus pressure?

Posted by annewoodmayo @annewoodmayo, Dec 10, 2023

Hello, friends!

1. Did you take low dose naltrexone?
2. Did it cause you to have headaches?
If yes, did your headaches feel like sinus headaches-- behind the eyes, forehead, cheeks?
Or were your headaches elsewhere?
3. Did you stop taking LDN because of headache?
I think that the low dose naltrexone may be causing my headaches in the morning when I wake up.
Or, maybe it could be sinus pressure. In the past, I always got sinus issues in the Fall-- headaches, infections, etc.
I've already been tracking the possible connection between LDN and am headaches. Some mornings, my unmedicated husband has sinus pressure, too, so cause and effect has been unclear.

I am still taking 1.5 at night.

I don't want to give up on LDN unnecessarily. My medication options are getting very, very limited.

Thanks for your input!

As long as you are reading, does anyone know how many hours it takes for the LDN to clear out of the body?

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I took LDN in 2022 (titrated up from 1mg to 6mg) but stopped because I thought it was contributing to my internal tremors. I have been having a lot of pain so I decided to try again and started a week ago on 1mg. I have had headaches every day since. I didn't attribute it to the LDN because it didn't happen the first time I took it but your post is making me rethink that.

My headaches are everywhere inside my day was such a severe migraine I wore a cold pack on my head all day, along with taking Diclofenac, Tylenol PM, Metaxalone and magnesium. It still lasted all day.


I took LDN in 2022 (titrated up from 1mg to 6mg) but stopped because I thought it was contributing to my internal tremors. I have been having a lot of pain so I decided to try again and started a week ago on 1mg. I have had headaches every day since. I didn't attribute it to the LDN because it didn't happen the first time I took it but your post is making me rethink that.

My headaches are everywhere inside my day was such a severe migraine I wore a cold pack on my head all day, along with taking Diclofenac, Tylenol PM, Metaxalone and magnesium. It still lasted all day.

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sounds painful and awful!
Thanks for your reply!


I took LDN for a couple years (to try to build up my immune system because I seemed to always be sick) and didn’t see any effects - good or bad. I only stopped taking it because my doctor left town so I no longer could get them. I’m trying to find someone to order it for my son who has severe ulcerative colitis to see if it might help his condition. Have any of you with UC been helped by LDN?


Hi, I am on LDN and actually increased to 9mg because I have long COVID and my Epstein Barr Virus was triggered. My doctor slowly increased my dosage to 9mg because he said 9mg has been helping patients with inflammation. I split my dosage in half and take one in the am and one in the pm. It does not cause my headaches. Have you ever tried hydrogen peroxide spray to help with sinus and allergies ? It works great for my husband and I. It is over the counter. My local heath store carries it but I know Amazon has it too. I will attach a picture of it. It is natural product. Hope this helps.


I got headaches with LDN. I only could tolerate 0.50 compounded and still had headaches. It's great for autoimmune disorders/inflammation if you can tolerate it. Blessings.....


I got headaches with LDN. I only could tolerate 0.50 compounded and still had headaches. It's great for autoimmune disorders/inflammation if you can tolerate it. Blessings.....

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Hi covidstinks2023,

Thanks for your input!

And, yeah, Covid does really stink! Don't need any fancy words for it...I get a chuckle every time I see your screen name on a post here.


Hi, I am on LDN and actually increased to 9mg because I have long COVID and my Epstein Barr Virus was triggered. My doctor slowly increased my dosage to 9mg because he said 9mg has been helping patients with inflammation. I split my dosage in half and take one in the am and one in the pm. It does not cause my headaches. Have you ever tried hydrogen peroxide spray to help with sinus and allergies ? It works great for my husband and I. It is over the counter. My local heath store carries it but I know Amazon has it too. I will attach a picture of it. It is natural product. Hope this helps.

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Tricia13, Thank you. I've never heard of this, but, will give it a try if I have a flare. Blessings....


Only thing I can LDN is helping with my shakes, have some focus back (getting some focus back helped with anxiety). Started them twice....after about 4 days being off of them....shakes started coming back. Back on them 4mg and staying on it for a while.


I was at 4mg for a few month for long COVID. My last remaining issues were sinus pressure and headaches.

I discontinued LDN 4 days ago and I have not had a headache since and my sinus pressure has decreased significantly.

I’m not sure if there is a direct correlation but since I had not other reason to be using it, I will stay off.

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