Is it? Or isn’t it?

Posted by tiateacake @tiateacake, Mar 2 10:59pm

First week of 3mg did not seem too bad. On Friday I did proper turns at each end of swimming pool and was so happy that it made my swim times much faster. Saturday long row with lots of stretching afterwards. Sunday my hip felt unstable and a bit of pain, so I thought is it the PMR or not. Had to use a rollator for dog walking as leg kept giving way. Left hip replacement is 11 years old, right one 10 years and knee is a young 4 years. Could be body not happy with me doing proper turns in pool. As the timing fits. Not increasing the Pred just not swimming for a month and hopefully it is just the ligaments telling me to behave.

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Hopefully it's just from overdoing things over the 2 days. A month seems like a long time to stop swimming. I would see how I feel in a couple of weeks and then maybe try again.

I've started jogging again lately, and I've found that I have to be very careful and patient. I went through a time where the muscles in my legs were straining easily. I've had some sessions lately where I could jog up to 25 minutes mixed in with walking. It has felt so good I would like to do it every day, but I'm limiting myself to every other day to hopefully avoid problems.


Since being diagnosed last June i have found that I tend to overdo it when I start to feel good and then I pay for it the next few days and it sets me back. I have also found that the longer I have been on Prednisone the quicker it affects my muscles when I am overdoing it. PMR is a frustrating situation with lots of ups and downs and the lesson I am slowly learning is that SLOW and steady is the answer for me when in regards to exercising and tapering. Wish I had known this last June and perhaps I would be further ahead today. But I'm an active person and patience in getting going is not my strong suit 🤷‍♀️


Since being diagnosed last June i have found that I tend to overdo it when I start to feel good and then I pay for it the next few days and it sets me back. I have also found that the longer I have been on Prednisone the quicker it affects my muscles when I am overdoing it. PMR is a frustrating situation with lots of ups and downs and the lesson I am slowly learning is that SLOW and steady is the answer for me when in regards to exercising and tapering. Wish I had known this last June and perhaps I would be further ahead today. But I'm an active person and patience in getting going is not my strong suit 🤷‍♀️

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I'm just now starting to understand that my body doesn't tolerate flaws in my running form like it used to. Those flaws can overload certain muscles and cause strains. I'm working through it by doing regular strength training and also focusing on maintaining good form while I'm running. Hopefully continuing to taper the prednisone will help my muscles be stronger, more flexible, and more tolerant of exercise.


Same old story...start feeling exercise....go for PT. Pain returns. Hard to explain to therapist that we have to reduce repetitions while like this. Not enough understanding of PMR. So as I start to feel better and in less pain I have the PT printout here and do what I can when I can!


Same old story...start feeling exercise....go for PT. Pain returns. Hard to explain to therapist that we have to reduce repetitions while like this. Not enough understanding of PMR. So as I start to feel better and in less pain I have the PT printout here and do what I can when I can!

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Change therapist. If any therapist told me to do 10 even if it hurt at 5 I would fire them. Plain and simply. No second chance and I would likely tell them directly what and why I am doing it. If they don't believe that you hurt at 5 reps, then what else are you telling them that they don't believe.
My therapist is great and knows I start slow but normally pick up the pace. I am compliant and do my exercises at home and will increase reps at home as I can tolerate. I always finish well, so the process works for me and the therapist trusts me. You deserve nothing less.


Good morning @tiateacake may I ask if you are asking -" IS or ISN't a flare up "?? if my memory is correct I think in this webinar Sebastian Sattui makes point that a flare up will have the distinction of the reoccurrence of Stiffness - not pain. {and what I recall as being very weird feeling in the morning}
When I was tapering I was very keen about noting any symmetrical pains - for example I was writing down that I had pain in the shoulders down to wrists . I had an open 'script to get CRP levels checked whenever I felt was necessary. I also happened to have an appointment with my osteopath and she manipulated my neck , and voila' , those pains were gone.
As many others have related , the tapering below 5 mg is tricky ! Can you just go to the pool and float and relax ? ; )


Good morning @tiateacake may I ask if you are asking -" IS or ISN't a flare up "?? if my memory is correct I think in this webinar Sebastian Sattui makes point that a flare up will have the distinction of the reoccurrence of Stiffness - not pain. {and what I recall as being very weird feeling in the morning}
When I was tapering I was very keen about noting any symmetrical pains - for example I was writing down that I had pain in the shoulders down to wrists . I had an open 'script to get CRP levels checked whenever I felt was necessary. I also happened to have an appointment with my osteopath and she manipulated my neck , and voila' , those pains were gone.
As many others have related , the tapering below 5 mg is tricky ! Can you just go to the pool and float and relax ? ; )

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I was not sure if it was a flare or problem with my 11 year old hip replacement, as Pred can cause bone problems in the hip I am getting it checked in a few weeks. Pretty sure it is not a flare as it feels different.

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