Is it Dumping or SIBO? - or a bit of both?

Posted by eccid @eccid, Feb 17 7:23am

Hello. My husband is just over a year out from his esophagectomy for Stage 1 esophageal cancer. Just recently, he was diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Treatment of this (antibiotics, low-FODMAP diet) adds another layer of complexity to the year-long eating issues, lack of weight gain, etc. I’m now wondering if at least some of his episodes of “dumping” over the past year were actually caused by SIBO.
My question: We are curious as to how many others have been diagnosed with SIBO, and what their experiences have been?
Thanks! - Betsy

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Interesting. Don't know if I'm brave enough to try eating late. Definitely sleep inclined. We are considering an adjustable bed although they are about $6000 NZ so really pricey. In hospital today, been vomiting since yesterday morning and I'm hoping for a gastroscopy but health system in Christchurch is under so much pressure I'm more likely to be sent home with nothing done

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I have found that experimenting with things is the only way to find out what works for you, I encourage you to not be afraid to do so. Also try to make our zoom calls, there is a whole group that can provide answers.

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