Is anyone on Gabapentin?

Posted by myrrh739 @myrrh739, Sep 11, 2023

I was diagnosed with chronic pain and Neuropathy, they gave me Gabapentin 300 mg
4 times a day, it’s helpful,
Is anyone on Gabapentin?

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@myrrh739 I have severe Polyneuropathy so I started gabapentin 2 weeks ago. I’m on a very low dose because my body is sensitive to most medications. Right now I take 200 mg total a day. It seems to help with the pain but it makes me sleepy and dizzy.


I have been on gabapentin since my MS dx in 2015…I now take 600mg 3’x/day and I can’t tell you at this point what difference it makes! I would have to go off of it to see what results there would be. My MS is stable and I have very little disability & although I have a pretty significant neuropathy in my feet and the outside of my shins to the knee (not painful, just a very strange tightness and some numbness, but on neuro exam all sensory nerves intact) I am not in pain. My neurologist says I can increase my dose, but I prefer to stay where I am since I don’t feel awful on gabapentin…You must get through the initial adjustment to this med which can take longer than the 2 weeks you have been on the medication.


in reply to @myrrh739 I was on this drug in the past and found it to be very helpful in terms of managing some of my pain. However, one of the side effects of this drug is that one might become suicidal, and I did begin to feel this way after being on the drug for about a month or so. I contacted my doctor and discussed this with him, and suffice to say I am not taking the drug anymore. I wish I could take it because it was so helpful to me. On the other hand, one of my other doctors, my urologist, told me at the time that she hoped I would not be on the drug for a long time because of its adverse effects. Presently I am having a lot of sciatica and asked my doctor if I could try using the gabapentin on a "trial" basis, as I still have the drug in my closet. He nor my neurologist want me to take the drug so I will not. Best to you. I hope you feel better.


I hope that you will feel better soon.

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Hi. This is very interesting and I'm sorry you can't take gabapentin. I started taking it for restless leg syndrome and it was the only thing that helped. My doctor has increased it over the years for the nerve pain I have over my body. I'm now taking 2400 mgs a day and I don't know what I would do without it. So far I've had no side effects. Fortunate, I guess. I hope you can find some relief.



I thought I had peripheral neuropathy due to tingling and burning in my fingers. I thought it might be a result/side-effect of a heart transplant several years ago. After tests, Mayo does not believe I have neuropathy but in the interim I was prescribed gabapentin.

I take 300 mg at bedtime. It moderates the pain and burning but most importantly I seem to be sleeping much better. I am reluctant to increase the dose and so manage the pain during the day through mental discipline (yeah, I know that makes me sound weird).
Best always,
Scott Jensen


Gabapentin made me not be able to think or talk right I would just sat there staring into space couldn’t remember hardly anything . I will never take it again


I have major back issues and neuropathy in feet and thighs will get numb from hip to knees if I stand in one place for too long. That's one reason I had to go on disability 3 years ago. I'm a hairstylist and standing is mandatory. I also have internal vibrations. I take 400mg of gabapentin once a day and haven't had vibrations for over a month. Maybe once at a level 1 or 2, very mild. I have no side affects from it so far. I took it years ago with my pain medication because of the tingling and burning but really couldn't tell any difference. When I started having the vibrations, my neurologist thought it stemmed from a central nervous system issue originating from the brain and prescribed Fycompa with little explanation of what kind of drug it was. I read up on it and decided not to take it because of the potential side affects. It was my pain management doctor that told me Fycompa was similar to gabapentin and Lyrica so I decided to take the gabapentin since I was familiar with it. Maybe the ones having problems with it could try taking it at night before bed. Maybe that will work. Good luck.


Yes, up to 900 mg per day right now for severe pain from Polymylasia Rheumatica (PMR). It has helped so far, but I'm hoping to eventually come down off that once I go into remission.


I thought I had peripheral neuropathy due to tingling and burning in my fingers. I thought it might be a result/side-effect of a heart transplant several years ago. After tests, Mayo does not believe I have neuropathy but in the interim I was prescribed gabapentin.

I take 300 mg at bedtime. It moderates the pain and burning but most importantly I seem to be sleeping much better. I am reluctant to increase the dose and so manage the pain during the day through mental discipline (yeah, I know that makes me sound weird).
Best always,
Scott Jensen

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I feel much the same. I want to leave some “wiggle room” with the amount of my dose of gabapentin incase I begin to feel worse. Currently, I too, use a sense of mental discipline to overcome the annoying sensations that I experience during the daytime hours. I have enough to distract me that I can avoid “feeling” some of the weird twinges and again, sensations.

As I mentioned, I’ve been on gabapentin for a number of years and have not noted any specific side effects from it. I don’t know what I’d experience if I titrated down and off of it, but currently there are no indications to do so.

Good health to you,

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