Iron Infusions/Side Effects

Posted by frances007 @frances007, Jul 26, 2023

Hello, I received my first of two iron infusions last Friday. Afterwards I felt like Popeye. A couple of hours later I broke out in a terrible rash which was unexpected. However, my hematologist has suggested I take benadryl before this Friday's infusion. The nurse at the infusion center did inform me that I might feel rather "flu like" for a couple of days following the infusion. While I am not usually one to complain about much, I was sicker than a dog all weekend. The symptoms reminded me of how I felt after getting one of my COVID-19 vaccinations. Has anyone else had these reactions after an iron infusion, or are these symptoms a fragment of my imagination?

I am unable to take oral iron supplements because they cause terrible stomach upset, the details of which I will withhold. Even the slow release ones do not help me.

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I have had flu like symptoms after iron infusions also, both times they started 2-3 days after the infusion and lasted a few days. Very tired, achy, chills, one time I had a headache. My infusions were 4 months apart, 1.5 grams of iron in each. Just curious, are you getting Venofer or Monoferric? How much are they trying to give you at once?


I just finished a regiment of 5 weekly iron infusions. Unfortunately, so far they have not done anything to help my feeling like a wet rag. I'm still exhausted, out of breath, and have joint pain. I have not had a follow up blood test yet as I have only had the last infusion several days ago.
But there are no bad side effects, just no relief from the anemia problems, Maybe in a few weeks I will feel better.


I was encouraged to get iron infusions by my hematologist/oncologist but declined them although I had met other people who had found the infusions worked perfectly for them. I was wary of infusions after doing my own goggling and learned that one can have a troublesome reaction to them.
I was told I was close to needing a transfusion because my blood levels had gotten so low and I absolutely terrible. After 3 weeks of sticking to the oral supplements (Ferrex) prescribed by the hematologist/oncologist, I was out of trouble and my levels gradually improved. Fortunately, my hematologist saw that I was given blood tests (ferritin and an iron study) every 2 weeks during that initial month to ensure the prescription was working. I felt remarkably better starting after around one month on Ferrex; however, my intestinal problems escalated. The hematologist/oncologist offered no alternative supplements and said he could not comment about complementary medicine .
On my own, I started seeking alternatives to the Ferrex prescription and after much experimentation and consultation with non-traditional medical experts, I found the NovaFerrum company on my own that makes a liquid iron supplement that worked far better for my intestines although it was inconvenient to take when away from home and stained everything. (I have no affiliations with this company.) I stayed on the liquid form for a couple of years and my intestinal problems were more tolerable.
Finally, NovaFerrum came out with a tiny little iron supplement pill that I have been taking daily for the past 5 years or so and they still work absolutely perfectly for me. They are "NovaFerrum Iron Dietary Supplement 90 Vegetable capsules" and they contain "Elemental Iron 50 mg from a Polysaccaride Iron Complex". Recently, the company ran out of their stock but fortunately, I always keep an extra bottle on hand which is a good idea nowadays. I take them on an empty stomach with water and sometimes, with an orange. My drug plan does not reimburse me for them and I buy them directly from NovaFerrum.
It was tough going for a long time until I found these little pills.


I have had flu like symptoms after iron infusions also, both times they started 2-3 days after the infusion and lasted a few days. Very tired, achy, chills, one time I had a headache. My infusions were 4 months apart, 1.5 grams of iron in each. Just curious, are you getting Venofer or Monoferric? How much are they trying to give you at once?

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in reply to @arla I was given Venofer. I am not sure how much I was given, but the entire infusion lasted about 2.5 hours. I appreciate the time you took to describe your experience. I feel better knowing that I was not imagining my symptoms.


"A couple of hours later I broke out in a terrible rash which was unexpected"

Benadryl indicates that you had an allergic reaction to the medicine. The cause could be the mixing formula rather than the iron itself; you could ask your hematologist for an alternative formulation.

Benadryl - diphenhydramine - has never done anything for me, either as an antihistamine or as a sleep aid. If Benadryl did not relieve your symptoms ask the doctor for an alternative OTC antihistamine - there are a few alternatives.


I was given High dose iron infusions (IV) for cancer related anemia, no issues, I take iron now with my feeding tube through formula nutrition. No issues. I find that people need to check side effects online before every new treatment. Doctors and nurses tend to forget that info is important for us. It's like Just take it. Any problems go to the emergency room


Thank you all for the information. I had my first iron infusion last year and did well tolerating it. My doc was sure to tell me all the possible issues it could cause. It took about 2 weeks for me to get that real energy boost. I now have one planned for October, just before we go on vacation & hoping it goes well.


Iron infusions were helpful for me in the beginning of my severe anemia. The only thing I remember was I did get headaches from the infusion. I think that was because they infused it faster than it was supposed to be. After that I couldn’t handle the pills at all. I feel like rocks in my stomach. but I took liquid ferrous sulfate, and I diluted it in Alevera juice, which is very healing for the stomach. And I did that for years. I basically took it once a day and diluted in their aloe vera juice. So that But I took liquid ferrous sulfate, and I diluted it in Alevera juice, which is very healing for the stomach. And I did that for years. I basically took it once a day and diluted in there aloe vera juice. So that didn’t upset my stomach .


in reply to @jeanim Thank you very much for this comment. The iron infusion this past Friday was an all time disaster. I became itchy while at the infusion center and was given IV benadryl which helped until later that evening when I experienced hives, and then later an overwhelming sense of weakness. More benadryl was taken and that did help, as did the hydrocortisone ointment. I have contacted my doctor and have told him that my body simply cannot handle these infusions, and I have inquired about the liquid iron that someone else had mentioned. I had no idea that one could have such a severe allergic reaction to an iron infusion, and I promise I will never have another one. I feel no better since having 2 infusions, and the entire experience will become part of the book I am writing as result of my experience dealing with a chronic illness, and the fact that after nearly 4 years my clinicians are no closer to diagnosing me than when my condition was initially discovered. I am stoic by nature, but admittedly these infusions have been a huge learning experience for me. I am suspending all treatment for the remainder of the summer so I can enjoy it while it lasts. I am grateful for your comment. be well.


About 1.5 years ago I had 2 iron infusion. I never had any reactions or adverse conditions from it. Doctor said I may have more energy after them , but I didn’t notice any difference in energy. I should mention that I don’t even remember my iron numbers being low before the infusion on my blood work. I do know it made the iron numbers at the high mark.

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