Iron deficiency due to menstruation

Posted by tiachecha @tiachecha, Feb 2, 2023

Hi, does anyone know a treatment for this issue that doesn’t include pills or due

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When I had this I ate blood sausage which I heard was good, also red meat and liver if you don't mind eating these things. I was told not to take a calcium pill or eat calcium rich food wth iron rich foods. Also vitamin C or citrus juice might help with absorbing iron.


I had the same issue. I was anemic from heavy periods and washing out all of my iron. My body was not able to keep up. I made sure to keep taking my multivitamins and eating lots of iron-rich foods. Eventually, I had a uterine ablation which stopped my periods altogether. I don't know how old you are, or if you are finished having children, but that treatment was a Godsend for me. The ablation cauterizes your blood vessels and inside of your uterus, so you MUST have your tubes blocked when they do it. (If the tubes aren't blocked and you were to accidentally get pregnant, it could kill you because the uterus no longer has the elasticity needed for a baby to grow.). Ask your OB/GYN about it.

If you are having issues with your iron, you should ask your doctor to check your Ferritin levels. Ferritin is your stored iron and is what your body actually uses to make blood. The other iron-level is just what is in your blood. Your blood iron can have a good number, but your Ferritin level can still be too low. I have a hemotologist for another condition who discovered my low Ferritin level and did an iron infusion. It helped SO MUCH and my numbers are staying up since I no longer have my period. Just something to look into.


Was the tubes being blocked an extra procedure or done the same time? I have a planned ablation but haven’t been told of the “tubes tied” option


Hi, tiachecha, all the suggestions you've received so far sound like very good advice. May I ask why you want to avoid using pills? I take a small dose of iron in a pill each morning. I take it with some vitamin C powder from a capsule to help absorption. I feel like it helps me.

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