IPMN 2 cm mass head of pancreas caught EARLY.......
Greetings! I'm new to this group and so far have been reading so much before feeling it was time to share. I did comment on another member's post, but thought I would officially share my story.
In August, I spent most of the month either in the ER or hospital (two admissions) following RNY gastric bypass on July 13, '22. Complication of critical potassium depletion caused by years of being on HCTZ (diuretic) that literally kicks out your potassium. (IV potassium - 10 bags total-burns going in and caustic to the veins). Also developed a burning fireball-type pain in my upper abdomen, which prompted the ER physician to order a CT Abdomen on August 10, '22. Did not reveal an ulcer (endoscopy did confirm a marginal ulcer in the new pouch). The CT results brought with it a bonus - an incidental finding - I am the proud new owner of a 2 cm enhancing cystic mass in the head of my pancreas! This led to consulting with the Pancreas surgeon at Mayo Clinic Florida (also my employer -Radiology) I am scheduled for Whipple procedure on November 7 and am so optimistic because of this being caught so early. My prayer is that any 'wicked' looking cells that may be hiding/lurking that don't show on an MRI - will be totally eradicated and I can go on to live the rest of my life in good health. Of course, my emotions are a roller coaster, going from total Faith in God -turning it over to Him - then playing it over and over again in my mind. I guess we are all guilty of this; it is so hard not to dwell on the "what if's" and related doubts and fears.
Wondering if anyone else had a pre-malignant mass eradicated after a Whipple procedure. I hear and read about the post-op course and become fearful. Then, I realize it is different for every person as we are all so unique in anatomy and whatever mass or disease being experienced. Would love to hear from anyone who has experienced (what I felt like was a 'miracle') having this caught EARLY and then went on to the Whipple. I'm preparing myself and trying to build my core strength and am determined to get past this and have minimal/no complications.
Looking forward to comments and discussions.
~Victoria from Florida
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.
I went to Dr. Stauffer at Mayo in Jacksonville for my Whipple surgery. It has been a process but doing well. He is the best!
I would go to a center of excellence for a second opinion asap. Mayo, MSK, MD Anderson, J Hopkins. They have the most experience and success with this cancer. And this cancer is trickier than others. Just my opinion after reading this blog .
Hi everyone,
I have been diagnosed with mixed-duct IPMN, main duct dilated to 1.2 cm, and two nodules. At first the doctors told me I'd need a Whipple procedure but now the surgeon is saying he wants to do a total pancreatectomy because, I guess, the whole pancreas looks diseased on the MRI. I was told that it could be pancreatic cancer or not. Doing some Google searches, it seems that I would have to be on insulin and maybe enzymes to digest food. I've also read about constant diarrhea. I had surgery two years ago for lung cancer, caught early accidentally on a scan for something else. After chemo and immunotherapy, my lung scans have been fine so far. I'm wondering if it makes sense to have a total pancreatectomy, given the recovery difficulties, the cost, and the longterm effects. I'm 68, otherwise in good health and active. Can anyone tell me what your experience of total pancreatectomy was? I'm scared of signing up for something that I'll regret. Lots of warm wishes to everyone for good outcomes, Tasha
What GI doctor is recommended at Mayo Clinic?
Has anyone heard about Victoria?,…anyway we can find out?
I may need the same type of Surgery to remove a non-cancerous pancreatic cyst, so I am praying to know.
Prayers to her and all!
Like other members here, @victoriadukes, I'm await your update and to hear how you are doing.
What GI doctor is recommended at Mayo in Jacksonville?
Dr. Stauffer at Jacksonville Florida Mayo Clinic.
Trying to get an appt with him and the phones are so busy .They don't take my husband's Medicare Aetna insurance but he is a 100percent disabled veteran and they will pay.
Navigating these appts is not easy .Has anyone else run into this problem ??
Victoria, how are you doing since your surgery on yesterday.
Hope everything went well and are on the road to recovery. <3