Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 2 - Treatment Plan?

Posted by journey99 @journey99, Feb 18, 2023

I am newly diagnosed with IDC Stage 2, 1.3 cm in size. Estrogen Receptor positive, Progesterone positive (1-10%) so not positive enough I have been told, HER2 negative. Ki-67 15%.
I meet with the oncologist, surgeon & radiologist next week. Looking for anyone that has had a similar diagnosis that would share what they had for a treatment plan. Surgery then chemo? Chemo than surgery has been mentioned. What questions I should ask the team? What are things I should consider? Any advice is helpful. I am being told radiation is for sure since lymph nodes are involved. Thank you in advance for sharing experiences and information.

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Hope picture will post

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It posted! Thank you. I’ve been using Biotin infused Avalon Organics… I think I see a difference… not sure yet. I’ll order this too. Much appreciated!


It posted! Thank you. I’ve been using Biotin infused Avalon Organics… I think I see a difference… not sure yet. I’ll order this too. Much appreciated!

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I actually found this in a TJMAX store


I actually found this in a TJMAX store

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I actually found this in a TJMAX store

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Good find!


My tumor was huge- 94mm. I just did surgery only. Im 5 yrs. cancer free.


I was diagnosed with IDC HR+HER- stage 2B with one lymph node involvement Feb 22. I have had CT scan and bone scan and so far no other metastasis. Oncotype test was sent off and results should be in coming in two weeks. Waiting now for an MRI.

One dr suggested surgery unilateral mastectomy then radiation and chemo depending on results of Oncotype.

Another dr is waiting for results of MRI and mentioned maybe chemo then surgery then radiation.

I’m in a hold pattern and the waiting is making me crazy.

Pushing for a double mastectomy with reconstruction so I don’t have to worry spend the rest of my life in fear which I probably will be anyways.

Curious to hear about everyone’s experience.

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I posted my experience above. Search Anjalima posts.

It helps to know there is a community for you here.

Blessings on this unwanted journey.🌸


I’m stage 2B in both breasts estrogen +ve not enough for progesterone either
I had a lumpectomy
Going for 5 chemos
To start Letrazole & Zomec. Waiting for
Oncotyoe & genetics testing results & going
For a bone density test.
-ve lymph node
Lost bad supply in left breast packing areola wound & -ve pressure dressing. An unwanted journey but all this changed me for sure. I’m 66


I am sorry you joined this club, and that you are having some problems from surgery, but I am glad you are getting all the tests and making informed decisions about treatment.
Is your chemo scheduled yet? Do you have a plan for self care or help during treatments?


I am 67 years old and I’ve been faithful with my mammograms each year. I was recently diagnosed with stage one invasive ductorial carcinoma estrogen positive, Testosterone negative and HERS negative. The original lumb was 1.8 tumor. After having an MRI it showed 15 different other spots in my left breast, so it was mine and my doctors decision to go ahead and do a mastectomy, and I decided to do a double mastectomy on February 14 with reconstructive surgery.
I’ve been recuperating and doing well. After sending off cancer tissue to get the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score my dr and I were shocked that it was at 31 which means I am a candidate for chemotherapy.
I will start that next week for 4 treatments in a 12 week period using Taxotere and Cytoxan.
Would love to hear others stories similar to mine.


I am 67 years old and I’ve been faithful with my mammograms each year. I was recently diagnosed with stage one invasive ductorial carcinoma estrogen positive, Testosterone negative and HERS negative. The original lumb was 1.8 tumor. After having an MRI it showed 15 different other spots in my left breast, so it was mine and my doctors decision to go ahead and do a mastectomy, and I decided to do a double mastectomy on February 14 with reconstructive surgery.
I’ve been recuperating and doing well. After sending off cancer tissue to get the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score my dr and I were shocked that it was at 31 which means I am a candidate for chemotherapy.
I will start that next week for 4 treatments in a 12 week period using Taxotere and Cytoxan.
Would love to hear others stories similar to mine.

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I am glad they found this at stage 1. It stinks that it keeps evolving and becoming more complicated for you. I took chemo therapy that included both of those, I am glad you aren’t having more drugs or more treatments. I had Adriamycin added to that, then herceptin later, and of course endocrine therapy after that. I was terrified before chemo, but it turned out to be more of a grind than something traumatic.
Has your doctor talked to you about endocrine therapy? Are you ready for chemo?

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