Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC): Anyone else?

Posted by 6750 @6750, Mar 2, 2019

I have rec’d 4 chemo + 16 radiation treatments for invasive. Has lumpectomie 1st....then one week later...
Dissection 17 lymph nodes & 3 tumors removed tumors
Got clean margin.

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I am planning to refuse chemo requesting my medical oncologist start my hormonal therapy I saw chemotherapy effect on my case only 10% .Is any body refuse chemotherapy

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@pinkybabar1962 in the cancer statistical world, it seems that 10% difference in risk is a lot. My cousin recently had the same predicted risk reduction from chemo that was suggested. She is fragile with immune deficiencies and we met with two oncologists who still recommended chemo. My cousin figured out there was a 3% redution in risk for each chemo infusion so she did what she could stand: 3 treatments but not the full 4. Talk to your doctor and hoping they can explain pros and cons and allow you to feel good about your choice. Second opinions can help too. Good luck!


New diagnosis: IDC with axillary lymph node metastasis with partial micropapillary pattern
I am writing seeking help from anyone familiar with partial micropapillary pattern in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in the right breast. Biopsy of Lymph Node reads “the micropapillary pattern of tumor is prominent in the metastatic tumor in the lymph node.”

Tomorrow is the first meeting with the surgical oncologist. We’d like to be knowledgeable about this pattern mentioned, while discussing treatment plans.

This all popped a few weeks ago on the yearly mammogram and is very small in the breast. Surprised that it is in the lymph node already but am thinking this pattern is more aggressive. Initial staging 1B, although CT nor PET has been done, just biopsies on tumor in breast and one lymph node.

Please please please share your experiences and education on micropapillary pattern within IDC. I can find so little information!

What are we looking at??

A million thanks for taking the time to look and share.

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I am planning to refuse chemo requesting my medical oncologist start my hormonal therapy I saw chemotherapy effect on my case only 10% .Is any body refuse chemotherapy


I have DCIS in situ. I have positive estrogens and progesterone and negative HER2. A very small tumor that was removed with a lumpectomy. I went for radiation consult and my early stage carcinoma with a 10% (actually in my case 4-6%) prognosis went to 20% via the radiologist AND he said if I don’t get radiation I have to get a mastectomy !!! I am meeting my primary oncologist again at the end of the month. I am researching that the DCIS in situ with no HER2 have a very good odds. Why is my radiologist trying to scare me so much????

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There may be something else in your pathology that is driving this. That being said, it is still not nice to tell a patient these kinds of things without explaining the reasoning.
I am glad you are going back to your medical oncologist.
I always ask my doctor to please consult with the other doctor and come to a consensus of recommendation before I decide what to do.
How are you feeling about this very scary adventure?


I have DCIS in situ. I have positive estrogens and progesterone and negative HER2. A very small tumor that was removed with a lumpectomy. I went for radiation consult and my early stage carcinoma with a 10% (actually in my case 4-6%) prognosis went to 20% via the radiologist AND he said if I don’t get radiation I have to get a mastectomy !!! I am meeting my primary oncologist again at the end of the month. I am researching that the DCIS in situ with no HER2 have a very good odds. Why is my radiologist trying to scare me so much????

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Did you have an Oncotype DCIS?


I have DCIS in situ. I have positive estrogens and progesterone and negative HER2. A very small tumor that was removed with a lumpectomy. I went for radiation consult and my early stage carcinoma with a 10% (actually in my case 4-6%) prognosis went to 20% via the radiologist AND he said if I don’t get radiation I have to get a mastectomy !!! I am meeting my primary oncologist again at the end of the month. I am researching that the DCIS in situ with no HER2 have a very good odds. Why is my radiologist trying to scare me so much????


Hi Papua, I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It is very scary to hear at first. I was diagnosed in March and had a double mastectomy. Hearing the news can be very overwhelming but there is a lot to learn after. Stage, size of tumor etc. please email me if you would like to connect on this. Stacey

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Yes it was overwhelming when hearing the name but then I just decide to think positive and place everything in the hands of the Creator. He knows the best of my life.

I want to email but no email address so here is my email address


Doing fine 5 years post-diagnoses. Have to be on aromatase inhibitors for 7 years due to cancer in three nodes and one breaking into lymph system as well as second tumor being neuroendocrine. Have to have yearly PET scans and 3D mammograms but in this time I’ve gotten two new grandchildren to be around. Doing fine from acute stroke 3 years ago as well. My angels are with me constantly!!!!! How are you doing?

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Wahoo that's a great story. I am Papua New Guinea which is a developing country so I am abit scared when they call the name cancer. I am having faith in our good Lord that I should be doing fine.


Many of us on the breast cancer threads have had ductal carcinoma: it is the most common form of breast cancer. After your surgery there will be tests on the tissue that guide treatment. This is the hardest time, when you are waiting for a plan. Many of us also are doing well years after diagnosis.

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Thank you for this assurance.


How are you doing?

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Doing fine 5 years post-diagnoses. Have to be on aromatase inhibitors for 7 years due to cancer in three nodes and one breaking into lymph system as well as second tumor being neuroendocrine. Have to have yearly PET scans and 3D mammograms but in this time I’ve gotten two new grandchildren to be around. Doing fine from acute stroke 3 years ago as well. My angels are with me constantly!!!!! How are you doing?


Followup from first oncologist surgeon visit:

Body CT has been ordered for tomorrow, so things "could" change. Right now, the staging is 1B with Met to one lymph node. This is what is confirmed from biopsy. They only biopsied one lymph node because it was suspicious on the ultrasound that followed the mammogram.

Right now, the plan is to undergo surgery fairly quickly to remove small breast tumor with a healthy margin and lymph nodes under the arm. After pathology is done on all tissues, further treatment will be determined or not.

Surgeon was very encouraging and confident, even with the micropapillary pattern present because it's all been caught extremely early. Fingers are crossed for the CT scan tomorrow to be clear!!!!

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Okay, update came quickly after I posted. Pre-op today, Chest CT tomorrow, Friday, and Magnetic Chip placed on next Tuesday and surgery scheduled on next Wednesday. Things are be taken seriously! So impressed!

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