Internal Vibrations

Posted by mleaser @mleaser, Aug 4, 2023

I have Internal Tremors in my legs, and now my feet as well, I am very weak, fatigue, dizziness, light headed, 24/7, eyes hurt, like I have the “flu”eyes 24/7, trouble walking, legs don’t want to move, legs shake if I stand to long, knee’s feel stiff, but want to buckle, and leg’s feel like jello, loss of balance, sick to my stomach all the time, also having night sweats. Can anyone Please help me, as what’s going on?? What i’ve read, is early signs of Parkinsons disease, Multiple Sclerosis, or Essential tremor… Please help???

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Have you seen a health care professional? Have you had any labs/tests if you don't mind sharing?


Have you seen a health care professional? Have you had any labs/tests if you don't mind sharing?

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No, I just moved from another state, and I have to apply for Medicaid here, my out of state insurance wont pay for it in my new state. Its a process.


No, I just moved from another state, and I have to apply for Medicaid here, my out of state insurance wont pay for it in my new state. Its a process.

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@mleaser we aren’t doctors of course. Sounds like it could be a number of things
What comes to my mind is stress. Moving to another state is very stressful. I had panic attacks when I did it 35 years ago.
You will get this all taken care of once the “dust settles”.
Wishing you a smooth transition.


Thank you for your response, but one thing I do know for sure, it is Not stress… It is nothing at all like stress…. I know my body and I know what stress is, and it’s not that, but Thank you for sharing…


Hi @mleaser. I am just seeing your post so please forgive if Ive missed something obvious. So many things can be similar symptoms so a complete blood work up with a pcr covid test may be a good start as many things have no outward obvious signs at first and can hopefully easily find a cause or rule out many others on your well wished speedy healing journey🌈

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