Intense intestinal cramping and multiple times going to the bathroom

Posted by kzeiss @kzeiss, May 16 9:08pm

I have intense intestinal cramping that lasts for a few hours alongg with constantly having bowel movements ( 5-8 times, even 15 minutes approximately). My blood works excellent.. I had a colonoscopy 3 years ago with no bad results. I was diagnosed with celiac 15 years ago but have it well under control with my diet. My GP said I have irritable bowel and prescribed an anti spasmodic 4 times a day, Dicyclomine 10 mg., which I haven't started taking as I have an adverse stomach/intestinal reaction topmost drugs. I cannot eat spicy food or eat a lot of food at the same time.I must wake up two hours early for any early morning appt. just to be sure I do not need to run to the bathroom. Have tried regulating my diet and taking benefiter which my last gastro doctor recommended. Any recommendations or insights are gladly appreciated. Please help.
p.s. The pain was so severe two weeks ago, I almost went to the ER. Everyone in my family has diverticulosis
and 30 years ago I was diagnosed with this also.

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I wouldn’t take anti spasmodic 4 x a day . That’s too much . Maybe 1 x a day .
You probably need a new colonoscopy/ endoscopy by now . Do them at same time , it’s easier .
I have Diverticulosis 11 years ,
Gastritis , Small Hiatal hernia, 1000’s deep wet sewer tasting belches , IBS- D , Esphogitis , Now bad nausea , Fatigue, you name it .
I had first bout of Diverticulitis for 30 hrs , very painful as you had plus fever .
I’ve tried everything like you , plus more since it’s been a decade . Even done testing at Mayo Clinic in FL .
On 6 th Gastro Dr.
Eat healthy and small ( I’m having problems eating any food now ).
Dome holoistic , diets , RX’s , supplements. Still I suffer .
It gets to your mind after so long .
Can’t do much outside home .
Try to get those two tests redone .
Find a different Gastro Dr. if yours is just giving anti spasmodic med ( and so much )!!
That’s probably not going to help much . They have a med I tried for IBS- D that controlled it called Verbazi ( you can get the savings card online and pay $30 a month ).
I got bad back rash and had to go off it soon after . It was working on the diarrhea though .
Good luck 🍀 please keep me posted .
It’s Hell !


I totally agree with Rosie.!!!
Yuck!! I have asymptomatic celiac disease, diagnosed 17 years ago. I never had the typical diarrhea. But knowing now what I have learned from my GI problems, I will never take an anti spasmodic. If my cramping is bad, I have used charcoal (zero side effects) for many years. I too am very sensitive to meds and nausea. VIP!!! You must take the charcoal all alone, cuz it can absorb other meds just like it is absorbing gas., and then I use Valium if I'm sure it is just cramping. CIC has been around for years, but is getting worse!!!! The cramps can be a sign of a partial small or large intestinal blockage that is forming. I have had some good drs and some bad ones over 17 years. I didn't know much about blockages until 2 years ago. You can also have fecal can poop right over them. I have been getting abdominal X-rays every 3-6 months for several years, I had to push my GI to agree. Every X-ray, except one years ago, showed mild, moderate, heavy fecal load. Our colons are rarely totally empty , but mine are rarely not fully loaded. Ask for an X-ray, you need one standing up and one lying down. Are your multiple poops solid snake like, mushy, diarrhea or hard clumps? Ain't this the 💩💩 Shelley


Hi, I have IBS too, and I’ve been having several bowel movements a day. I n my case I get dizzy and I feel I’m do.

Anyway, I’ve been taking Benifiber but my acupuncturist told me to stop it because I don’t even remember now. Then after being too constipated I started Metamucil along with a very close to the rules FODMAP diet. Then the bowel movements again. I realized I was consuming too much fiber. So I dropped the Metamucil and I got better. Then again several bowel movements. I would be in the toilet for about 30’ to the point that my legs would start feeling numb. The Dyciclomine 10mg would help, then all over again.
Mys Gastro dr. Told there is a point that medicine can do only so much. I got a referral to a psychiatrist. Fast forwarding now, psychotherapy, acupuncture, herbs, and keeping an eye on my diet have done wonders to my health. So now I have most of the time only one bowel movement per day. From my experience, I would say that the psychological part is 50% part of the problem.
So my routine now is, as I wake up, first thing I do open the windows in my bedroom and let the light come in. Then breakfast and all the things I need to do in my day, plus an hour or 30’ workout of any type (swimming, walking, machines, yoga, water aerobics or whatever is and I’m available for. Also acupuncture and psychotherapy once a week.
I have have stopped the Dyciclomine which I was taking up to 80mg per day (the maximum per day one can take). When I feel the pinching pain in my colon, right away I start having two capsules of IBguard before meals, I eat a very close FODMAP diet, and if I start being gassy, I take two capsules of GasX maximum strength (maximum allowed), I get back to normal.
In summary, one needs to learn what routine is better for him/herself and keep a close eye in the mental health. Your gut and your brain are more connected than anyone might think.
If you want, I can answer specific questions, one at a time.


Hi, I have IBS too, and I’ve been having several bowel movements a day. I n my case I get dizzy and I feel I’m do.

Anyway, I’ve been taking Benifiber but my acupuncturist told me to stop it because I don’t even remember now. Then after being too constipated I started Metamucil along with a very close to the rules FODMAP diet. Then the bowel movements again. I realized I was consuming too much fiber. So I dropped the Metamucil and I got better. Then again several bowel movements. I would be in the toilet for about 30’ to the point that my legs would start feeling numb. The Dyciclomine 10mg would help, then all over again.
Mys Gastro dr. Told there is a point that medicine can do only so much. I got a referral to a psychiatrist. Fast forwarding now, psychotherapy, acupuncture, herbs, and keeping an eye on my diet have done wonders to my health. So now I have most of the time only one bowel movement per day. From my experience, I would say that the psychological part is 50% part of the problem.
So my routine now is, as I wake up, first thing I do open the windows in my bedroom and let the light come in. Then breakfast and all the things I need to do in my day, plus an hour or 30’ workout of any type (swimming, walking, machines, yoga, water aerobics or whatever is and I’m available for. Also acupuncture and psychotherapy once a week.
I have have stopped the Dyciclomine which I was taking up to 80mg per day (the maximum per day one can take). When I feel the pinching pain in my colon, right away I start having two capsules of IBguard before meals, I eat a very close FODMAP diet, and if I start being gassy, I take two capsules of GasX maximum strength (maximum allowed), I get back to normal.
In summary, one needs to learn what routine is better for him/herself and keep a close eye in the mental health. Your gut and your brain are more connected than anyone might think.
If you want, I can answer specific questions, one at a time.

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I was diagnosed with lymphsitic collitis, diverticulosis, AND a malignant stage 1 NET (neuroendocrine tumor) in my Ascending colon. After diet changes, probiotics, supplements, etc and surgery to remove entired ascending colon I felt better than in many years! That was Feb-March 2024 and now I am again waking up to intense cramping and 5-6 bowel movements which are not normal like oking like before. I want to give up and dont want to take more drugs. If I could get relief from this awful cramping followed by bowel movements I would feel good abour it. Any advice? SO tired of this!


Don't you just hate having to spend so much energy just to 💩💩. You sound miserable and I do feel your pain and frustration, literally, cuz my 💩 started 17 years ago and I'm still struggling with it. If you're only looking for gas relief, try charcoal capsules with at least 2 tall glasses of water. When I use them, I usually take 3-6 capsules, 1-3 times a day. Generally I take it during an active episode. If you find it helpful you could lower the dose and take it regularly for a week or so. Absolutely zero side effects like nausea, diarrhea or constipation. It's pretty cheap too and easy to find. But you have to drink plenty of fluids with this you want to keep the capsule in tact so it starts absorbing the gas in your stomach/intestines, not in your throat. and take the charcoal 2 hours before or after any other medication. I have found it so helpful that I felt comfortable giving it to my children when they were young. Good luck. I don't know if you are female and/or had babies... but gas pains can get just as bad as labor was for me.


kzeiss, like other responders to your post, I have had all those trips to the bathroom, with spasms and weight loss. It was hard to know what to do.

See if you are lactose intolerant by stopping animal milk or switching to Lactaid products. Consider trying the Monash FODMAP app. If its suggestions are only intermittently helpful, try just their "green light only" foods. If that isn't enough, drop grains. If not enough, eat less meat and focus on fish. If that isn't enough, try dropping fats except some olive oil, seeds and nut (small quantities). If that is isn't enough, try Intolerans brand dietary enzymes. And if that all isn't enough, consider CBT therapy for an irritable bowel (T-Gastro Psychology, Burke, VA). Feel free to use some temporary "bridge" drugs to break the cycle of either your gut or your head (depression, anxiety).

I have done all of this and continue to do it to have a near-normal bowel. It took me a few years to get on top of it. Everyone's path is different, but this support group will give you ideas to try.


Have you tried acupuncture and alternative medicine. What about Functional Medicine?


Have you tried acupuncture and alternative medicine. What about Functional Medicine?

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I did have 6 successive acupuncture treatments, weekly and it solved my years long constipation problem. I am fortunate to have found a practitioner who knows her trade.


I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. Sounds awful. I have had ulcerative colitis for many years. Is your Dr sure you don’t have uc? I take Mescalamine. Helps with pain frequent bms. As well as inflammation in the colon. Sounds like you need to go back to your gastroenterologist. Maybe some more testing. Hang in there!😊

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