Is it always necessary to use inhalers for wheezing?

Posted by maryfb23 @maryfb23, Jan 26 7:00pm

Is it always necessary to use inhalers for wheezing? Wheezing is caused from silent gerd and allergies. I have found the inhalers cause additional problems such as severe throat clearing and thrush. I would love another option.

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My allergist just changed me from Wixela to Advair AHA. It’s L shaped. She changed me over to this because it’s a mist rather than a powder as with Wixela. I had hoarse voice and coughing after taking Wixela. She has also taken me off of prednisone for flares, but the insurance hasn’t approved it yet. My best to you with hopes there is a solution that will make you feel better. Please write again and let us know how you are doing.


Good morming ,
I think this is a really good question @maryfb23 for you to ask Allergy md and primary md. Ask them to explore other options to treat allergies - ie flonase, azelastine, allergy shots, saline rinses and work with your primary md to address gerd. No one will have definte answer unless you try. It is also worth looking into accupancture for allergies. You might end up needing less or occasional use of albuterol/other inhalers. Good luck !


Good morming ,
I think this is a really good question @maryfb23 for you to ask Allergy md and primary md. Ask them to explore other options to treat allergies - ie flonase, azelastine, allergy shots, saline rinses and work with your primary md to address gerd. No one will have definte answer unless you try. It is also worth looking into accupancture for allergies. You might end up needing less or occasional use of albuterol/other inhalers. Good luck !

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Thank you. I am using flonase and azelastine now- doing nasal rinses also. Worst wheezing is in the morning due to mucus buildup.


Thank you. I am using flonase and azelastine now- doing nasal rinses also. Worst wheezing is in the morning due to mucus buildup.

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Sometimes the answer is a change in inhalers. Changing to Symbicort was wonderful for me. It is a low-dose inhaled corticosteroid combined with a long-acting beta-agonist. I use 2 puffs twice a day and it has eliminated my need for albuterol/levalbuterol and flonase.
What inhaler are you currently using?


Albuterol when needed and flovent morning and evening. Flovent seems to be the worst culprit.


Seems like your root cause is not addressed to start with, aside from side effects of flovent @maryfb23
I think allergy/asthma md is your best bet to work with. If you are in HMO insurance world, need to insist to see a specialist. Its their specialty to get you on the right medicine for symptoms managment.


Thank you. I am seeing specialists for allergy and pulmonary.


Albuterol when needed and flovent morning and evening. Flovent seems to be the worst culprit.

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Maybe it is time to ask your pulmonologist to take a look at the latest long-term management protocol for asthma?


Maybe it is time to ask your pulmonologist to take a look at the latest long-term management protocol for asthma?

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Thank you. I will ask about that.


I’m on an Advair inhaler, a “triple spray” nasal spray Mayo mixes that contains Mometazone and sinus washes with Mometazone that is mixed by local lab. Like you, I’ve had problems with thrush. They probably all contribute, but Mometazone sinus rinse seems to be the tipping point for me and I have stopped it a few times due to the thrush.

What has helped me tolerate the steroids better is brushing my teeth after I do the meds and gargling with warm water or salt water a few times afterwards. Before I clean mouth and throat. I even tip my head back about 5” after the nasal rinse to make sure the mometazone is done and doesn’t continue to trickle down. I also use cheap tooth brushes and change them frequently and open a new one once thrush has cleared.

You are probably doing these things, but just in case…
Good luck!

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