In process of changing from dexamethasone back to prednisone any sugg?

Changing from dexamethasone back to prednisone. Any suggestions?

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I don't have any experience with changing but I was a DEX user. I know I commented before because you were on 3mg Dex and feeling pretty good. Which you should on 3mg. That's about 16-17mg of prednisone. The conversion is about .75 to 5mg. Prednisone may not have quite the jolt that Dex gives you. But I think for longer term use the resulting conditions from Dex are probably more extreme. Dex also has a longer half life. At least to start you may want to split your dose of prednisone to morning and night. When you switch you might want to use a little extra and then try to taper to a comfortable spot as quickly as you can. I was able to taper down from 4 to 2mg quickly, Then 2mg to .5mg took about 6 months. But I didn't use prednisone.


Thanks. Moving to am and pm dex daily total 1 and a half. Which equals 1,5 mg. Will now wait no more changes for a month. Have been feeling sluggish. But dex did affect my eyes. I go back to Mayo in October.

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