Improve bone density and strength without medication?

Posted by plav @plav, Dec 20, 2023

Any luck improving bone density and strength without medication? It seems the medications only mildly help ... and they only help some patients; some studies show the slight improvement in density does not mean quality bone was built. I'm not comfortable with moving forward with the treatments just because "that's what we give patients with osteoporosis". There seems to be no room for education or discussion, or research into actual results or other options.

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Norma: If you have time, listen to the podcast. I think you have a better handle on the chemistry than I do. I would be interested to know what you think of his explanation. My impression is it is available as a whole food in the algae along with other micronutrients. Then again wording can be tricky. Thank you for your words of caution.

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I feel that the only one who can answer whether the calcium is as a whole food or extracted from the algae in some manner is AlgaeCal.


This is what I found on their website:

“Lithothamnion superpositum is a species of red coralline algae found off the South American coast. Taxonomically, it’s a red algae in the Rhodophyta phylum, from the Corallinales order (also known as Algas calcareas), the Lithothamnion genus, and one of the 103 species within that genus. You can read a description of each taxonomical step in the next section.

Since Lithothamnion superpositum is found in the Algas calcareas order- and the South American locals call the kiwi-sized balls of algae by the same name- we shortened it to “AlgaeCal”! So the unique strain of red algae used in every bottle of AlgaeCal Basic and AlgaeCal Plus is actually Lithothamnion superpositum.

And it’s this specific species of algae that’s behind the clinically documented bone density increases in people of all ages. Luckily, AlgaeCal has the worldwide exclusive rights to this particular algae species.”

It all sounds good but I know words and marketing are tricky.


This is what I found on their website:

“Lithothamnion superpositum is a species of red coralline algae found off the South American coast. Taxonomically, it’s a red algae in the Rhodophyta phylum, from the Corallinales order (also known as Algas calcareas), the Lithothamnion genus, and one of the 103 species within that genus. You can read a description of each taxonomical step in the next section.

Since Lithothamnion superpositum is found in the Algas calcareas order- and the South American locals call the kiwi-sized balls of algae by the same name- we shortened it to “AlgaeCal”! So the unique strain of red algae used in every bottle of AlgaeCal Basic and AlgaeCal Plus is actually Lithothamnion superpositum.

And it’s this specific species of algae that’s behind the clinically documented bone density increases in people of all ages. Luckily, AlgaeCal has the worldwide exclusive rights to this particular algae species.”

It all sounds good but I know words and marketing are tricky.

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Wonder what happens to those kiwi sized balls between harvesting and the capsules being filled.


The podcast is a shorter one and he talks about the AlgaeCal first thing.

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I have been using AlgaeCal and Strontium for two years, daily and consistently. I weight train 2-3 times a week and now can manage 55 poundweights on machines, 15-20 pounds with free weights. It took 2 years to get there. And I do band resistant training once a week as well as HIIT once a week for 20 minutes. Sometimes I walk and I do garden.
My diet is vegetable based, with fish 2-3times a week. No sugar, additives, or white flour, I eat low carb because of gluten intolerance. I eat sprouts, nuts and seeds for protein.
After my 2nd DEXA I saw a 6% increase in my lumbar spine bone density. 2% in the femoral head and 1 % in the hip. I didn't go backwards...but didn't break records either. I am stronger, and satisfied with my progress.
I never had side effects to the Strontium or AlgaeCal products.
This is an anecdotal note, but I have several friends that use AlgeaCal, healthy diets and exercise and they are doing well too.
Hope that helps


Thank you so much for sharing your experience! Congratulations on all your hard work! It’s good to know that you did not have side effects using the AlgaeCal products. It’s also interesting to note that your diet is vegetable based and whole foods, low carb. That is also my preference however, there’s so much discussion around getting more protein that I have been concerned that perhaps I need to be more “carnivorous “. I’m 69 and fit but had a set back with a degenerative lumbar disc which causes some scoliosis and limits my ability to run or play tennis like I used to… or do heavy impact and heavy weights. I am working on weight training, resistance training, and considering a whole body vibration plate that would be safe. Thank you again for sharing! It’s wonderful to hear that some people are able to improve their DEXA score without drugs. I bet you will continue to improve! Wow!🎉


@jodani and @trixie girl, strontium can make the DEXA results look better than they are. Strontium is denser than calcium, and it replaces calcium in the bones. Therefore the bones look denser. Some radiologists might be able to adjust for that.

I am not taking away from your amazing efforts to maintain bone density. But those reading posts about strontium might benefit from understanding its effect on DEXA's/


I’m not going to rush out and buy these products. First of all, I like to separate D from K fat soluble vitamins, so they don’t compete, and also calcium and magnesium for same reason. I also chose MK4 because that’s what has been used for years in Japan, and the MK7 caused me to have palpitations. I’m seriously considering strontium citrate, but just haven’t been brave enough yet to start, but I would also separate that from calcium. It is encouraging to hear Lucas speak positively about it though. Am I taking capsules all day….yeah, pretty much, but if I have a reaction to anything, it’s easier to control it that way. As for the trace minerals like copper, manganese, boron, I think those are attainable through diet…nuts, in particular. If I’m not mistaken, most of the research that Algaecal touts is their own, which I find suspect. It might be fine, and I could be way off base here, but just my two cents worth.

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You are right, Gloria! That’s why I’m thankful for this group! The group helps curb my impulsiveness as the responses and anecdotal experiences here are so helpful and remind me that there’s always more to find out before making a good decision. So for now, AlgaeCal is on hold. I would like to get what I need from food and need to start a food journal to figure all this out.

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