I'm dealing with IgA Nephropathy

Posted by pattyray45 @pattyray45, Aug 22, 2023

I have had IgA since I was about 6 years old. It is beginning to advance and would really like to know how others are dealing with this auto immune disease. Also how many in your family have inherit your disorder.

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Hello @pattyray45,

I am tagging a few members who posted awhile back to see if they'll return to update us on how they are doing with their diagnosis of IgA Nephropathy. @junetooth, @butterfly225, @AlwaysHopeful, @shirley2216, and @eileen14 all discussed Nephropathy in the past in the following discussions:

- IgA Nephropathy - Managing flare ups
- IGA Nephropathy

@pattyray45, while we wait for some members to share, how are you doing with your symptoms and has your provider offered any ways to manage them?


Dear Moderator Justin,
Thank you so much for your reply. I thought possibly someone could share how they are dealing with the exhaustion that comes with these attacks. I'm really trying to keep my creatinine's from crawling up.
It will be so appreciated to hear others response.
Thank you


I have neuropathy (+7 years) that is mostly loss of feeling in my extremities. Don't know if it from celiac, hypothyroidism, MGUS, elevated IgA, IgG, or idiopathic. My fatigue is more from covid in mid-March. Aerobic exercize is hard with fatigue, so I bike or walk in bits with rest breaks between. I do weight lifting and woodworking to increase my muscle mass and coordination (low aerobic isn't hit as hard by fatigue). Muscle helps metabolism, fat not so much. My diet is low in salt, simple carbohydrates, and processed foods (hubby also has food issues). Even the gluten free bread I bake is salt free. I drink a lot of water. The low-creatinine diet is hard, so any of my food escapes are in small bites (chocoholic). I rarely eat out due to celiac (and when you are low sugar/salt the food in restaurants tastes like gnawing on a chunk of salt). I'm 69 yo and pre-covid I biked an average of 20 mi/day. I'm not there, but slowly ramping up. My creatinine levels are still good. Mental excapes are important, whether into books, with friends, or other ways to break out of the grip of diseases on our minds and bodies.


I was diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy in May. My Nephrologist put me on low dose Losartin. 25mg. Couldn’t really do higher bc I don’t have high blood pressure which this is used for. It took my protein in my urine from 970 to 280. We are very pleased with the results. She said it should even go down further as I stay on the med. I am tired but am on Prednisone and Aziathioprine for IGA Vasculitis so I’m not sure what is making me tired. These other meds list that as a side affect. Are you on meds for this?


I was diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy in May. My Nephrologist put me on low dose Losartin. 25mg. Couldn’t really do higher bc I don’t have high blood pressure which this is used for. It took my protein in my urine from 970 to 280. We are very pleased with the results. She said it should even go down further as I stay on the med. I am tired but am on Prednisone and Aziathioprine for IGA Vasculitis so I’m not sure what is making me tired. These other meds list that as a side affect. I try to do anctivi in am bc I feel more rested. I may nap after lunch, just 1/2 hour if needed then get another burst of energy. I just do what I can and do have some caffeine here and there to help. Are you on meds for the Nephropathy?

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