I reversed osteoporosis without drugs

Posted by sheilad1 @sheilad1, Dec 28, 2022

I had my bone quality test yesterday along with another bone density test. This was my third bone density test in 14 months.

My first bone density test was Nov 2021.
I started consulting with different doctors. If I must take meds I would. But I had to get to the truth.
The physician who appeared to know the most is Keith McCormick DC the chiropractor who got osteoporosis at a very young age and really understands it.

That first DEXA scan showed I had mild osteoperosis of the spine, within the margin of error.
So no McCormick said to take the CTX (blood) test and a few others.
CTX was good.
My CTX shows that the osteoclasts are not breaking down too much bone. therefore, my next bone density test shouldn’t show that that I am much worse.

I decided not to wait until 2 years for another scan and took
I took another bone density (aka DEXA) scan 10/2022 to see if that was true about the CTX.
My spine was actually better in that scan and it was now osteopenia.
My hip was a little worse bringing it outside the margin of error. McCormick said this was a tough call so I said to him why don’t I get a bone quality test (that he told me about) and I figured that will buy me a little time anyway lol.

Unfortunately, the bone quality test only measures the spine.
Since it’s unusual for your spine to get better and your hip to get worse, it made me think - what have I done differently since the last test? Why would my spine improve but not my hip? What is my spine doing that my hip is not?

I decided it had to be the Supernatural virtual reality exercise app that I exercise to (on the oculus quest VR helmet). Even though I am striking the air, there actually is resistance, and I push hard to hit it as powerfully as I can.

I decided to put weights on my ankles. Everything I read says weight training should be once or twice a week, and I certainly only did it once.

Back to yesterday and the bone quality (TBS) test and yet another bone density (DEXA) test.
My hip was back to where it was on the first test. This put me back inside the margin of error where I would not have to take medication
This demonstrated to me that the CTX score did in fact mean I'm not losing density quickly.
Yesterday's test shows that my spine continued to improve and my bone density score was no longerosteopenia. It was normal. My bone quality test was great. The tech really loved it and called me over to show me how I was completely in the green meaning It was normal which is a little unusual at my age, 74, altogether.

I may be wrong about supernatural helping.
I’ll probably take the DEXA again in six months because I am anxious to see how the hip does, and if it improves even more.
And if so, I’ll turn myself into a study. 😂

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


if you are undecided, then I urge you to take a bone quality test. TBS. It can change your diagnosis.
Some are listed here. There aren't many and you may have to travel to get one. http://www.medimapsgroup.com

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I had an Echolight scan done, but this sounds different. I have a location close by. Do you know how much it costs? I don't imagine insurance will pay for it.


My bone density results improved from 10 years ago according to a recent DEXA scan to my surprise. I didn't do a lot except take a supplement that I put a friend on to help heal his broken neck and which his neurosurgeon and orthopedic physician approved. I started taking the stuff because it was just sitting on the kitchen counter. It includes what I think of as the bone-support trinity of algae-based house, vitamin D3 and K2 plus trace minerals including boron.

Otherwise my bad eating habits and everything were still in effect, including drinking a lot of coffee which I now know is bad for the bones so has been curtailed. [I have a sneaking suspicion that I might have lost a lot of bone density earlier in life because of some lifestyle factors like erratic diet, etc.]

I'm done a lot of research and reading the studies about bones and bone health over the past year. I'm taking this stuff seriously because I hope to never ever take any of the currently available osteoporosis drugs. One thing that I found encouraging was that exercise, especially resistance training, results in the bones and muscles engaging in a feedback loop. That is subjecting bones to appropriate and safe stress, over time, can trigger or speed up bone cell reproduction. And some of the information that the bone needs is communicated by the muscles being used.

It's almost as if the body is asking if this is the new normal, this level of activity, and if so decides to prepare for it. For some reason I thought that was profoundly encouraging and just further reconfirms my appreciation for the mysteries of the human body. But it's also a really good argument for thoughtful resistance training beyond the obvious benefits.

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What is the supplement you are taking?


The only tbs test I could find was in Australia...then they listed a bunch of dexa scan places but not TBS...where is one in the usa


if you are undecided, then I urge you to take a bone quality test. TBS. It can change your diagnosis.
Some are listed here. There aren't many and you may have to travel to get one. http://www.medimapsgroup.com

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The TBS test is different from the Echolight scan, correct? I see in my area that there are several locations where it's available.


I believe the echolight measures density not quality.


The only tbs test I could find was in Australia...then they listed a bunch of dexa scan places but not TBS...where is one in the usa

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This is not a full list of TBS locations but it's the best there is


Thank you found one very close from the list


I also went on a whole food plant based diet full of fruits, dark leafy greens, and whole grains. There's no way around that.

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How did you reverse it? Just following Dr. McCormick's advice? I just ordered book and am very curious.


first and foremost case, McCormick did a number of labs as well as recommending the TBS. This is to get an accurate look at your true chances of a fracture. Hey TBS Score can flip your diagnosis in either direction. It’s really important. Echo light also offers a bone quality test.
There are posts about this elsewhere on the board. This just came over from Italy, and they only have a handful of locations as follows:

there are posts about this elsewhere on the board. This just came over from Italy, and they only have a handful of locations as follows:

Dr. Andy Bush ( Orthopedic Surgeon )
Central Carolina Orthopaedic Associates
Sanford, NC
919-774-1355 (ask for James)

Dr. Edmund Maclaughlin ( Rheumatologist) and Dr. Curtis Foy ( Family Medicine )
Rheumatology Associates of Delmarva
Easton, MD

Dr. Mike Lewen ( Chiropractor, Exercise Science )
Asheville, NC

XBody Health, Wellness, and Spa
Wayne, NJ

AOCBV ( Arthritis & Osteoporosis Clinic of Brazos Valley )
Dr. Ricardo Pocurull
College Station, TX

Dave Williams (RDMS)
Thunder Bay, ON - Canada
(807) 683-4411

Wosler Diagnostics
Calgary, AB - Canada
(403) 753-8001

IcMD LifeSmart Pharmacy
Winnipeg, MB - Canada
(204) 410-0007

Dr. Tarek Refai
Winnipeg, MB - Canada
(204) 255-5775

Megan Buhrmester (RDMS)
Toronto, ON – Canada
(905) 906-7836


Can’t take calcium pills because I have a very high calcium level in my heart. I’m in the 91st percentile for women. My age comment 74. I ate a lot of dark leafy greens. I had a half a cup of yogurt every day. It was the only breach of my plant-basedcan’t take calcium pills because I have a very high calcium level in my heart. I’m in the 91st percentile for women. My age comment 74. I ate a lot of dark leafy greens. I had a cup of yogurt every day. I mix 1T kale powder with a little yogurt. It tastes bad but I add some sweetener and eat it quick. I take D. But I was already taking D when diagnosed. There's plenty of K in the food I eat. You should definitely do stregnth training 3x a week. Wear 1 pound ankle weights 30 minutes a day.

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Try making kale soup with mushrooms and vegetable broth and any other items you like in it. Sounds much better than the kale powder.

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