I need some help. I wake up every day with my over [...]

Posted by CN @cnewton, Apr 5, 2014

I need some help. I wake up every day with my over sensitive gag reflex in action. I have reoccurring symptoms that are starting to deplete my quality of life. I just had my gallbladder out, that didn't help. I have a positive ANA and am anemic. My left side of my face feels like it has constant tingly pressure. Sometimes my joints ache...and the list goes on. What is going on? I was healthy 4 months ago!

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I should add that I've lost 12lbs in the last month and I feel nauseas most of the time.


Hi @cnewton. I'm so sorry to hear about your pains. You may be able to connect with people through the Arthritis and Joint Conditions group or the Infectious Diseases group.

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