I have had bursitis In my hip since July. Going to physical therapy,

Posted by shabangy @shabangy, Nov 9, 2023

I have had bursitis in my hip since July. Going to physical therapy, had cortisone shots, etc....why do I still have it?

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@shabangy , may I ask how it was determined that the problem was bursitis? Was any imaging done to see if there may be other issues? I ask because years ago my bursitis and back pain were treated with PT and injections for almost 5 years and just got worse and worse. It turned out to badly eroded hip joints - the doctor proclaimed himself "shocked" and told me he would have guessed from my xray that I was 85 years old.
No one had ever thought to take an x-ray because I was "too young" and very petite.
Another thing that can impede healing of bursitis is knee, foot or gait issues. Have these been screened for you?
Figuring these things out can be like working a puzzle!


Hi, thank you for answering. Yes, I did have an xray but the ortho doctor just decided that it was bursitis. I thought bursitis was only supposed to last for a couple of weeks. I am going to stay down for a couple of weeks and see if I can heal it that way. This is so frustrating!



This has gone on for a long time. Maybe it is time for a second opinion.
What do you think?


Hi, thanks for answering. Yes, I do think a second opinion would be helpful. It has been a long time. I am using a cane!


Hi, thank you for answering. Yes, I did have an xray but the ortho doctor just decided that it was bursitis. I thought bursitis was only supposed to last for a couple of weeks. I am going to stay down for a couple of weeks and see if I can heal it that way. This is so frustrating!

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I have had bursitis off and on for 2 years. If I faithfully do the PT exercises and swim several times a week, it goes away altogether or greatly improves. Frequently life and work derails that regular exercise and without fail—— it comes back. Every time. I am trying to do better with maintaining those exercises. It makes all the difference. I also have RA so the pain forces me to the gym. Sometimes the only thing that helps is the swimming.


@shabangy , may I ask how it was determined that the problem was bursitis? Was any imaging done to see if there may be other issues? I ask because years ago my bursitis and back pain were treated with PT and injections for almost 5 years and just got worse and worse. It turned out to badly eroded hip joints - the doctor proclaimed himself "shocked" and told me he would have guessed from my xray that I was 85 years old.
No one had ever thought to take an x-ray because I was "too young" and very petite.
Another thing that can impede healing of bursitis is knee, foot or gait issues. Have these been screened for you?
Figuring these things out can be like working a puzzle!

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shabangy; what--if anything---did they do for the eroded hip joints? Like you, I've had several injections, used the creams for pain, etc, but nothing helps. I do have degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia, and I am 80. Just wondering if there is any help for the joints??


Hi, thank you for answering. To be honest with you, nothing has helped. No creams, ice,heat, medicine, nothing. I am going to go in for a 2nd opinion.


I have bursitis in the hip that was replaced 5 years ago. Every so often I have a shot in it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't do a thing.


Yeah, I know my first shot lasted 3 months but the 2nd one I got didn't do anything.


Suggest google: hip bursitis/symptoms/diagnosis/treatment at reputable sights (Mayo, etc), and see how/if you "fit", and definitely 2nd opinion. Xray may not be enough, MRI may be more revealing. You/we need to be informed, not just "told". If we have questions, we require answers, often repeated asking until we get them, Dr Google is not to self-diagnose, but can provide information when we hear "words". I have found that a few 2nd opinions should have been my firsts!

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