I have a combative situation outside the home causing me stress and an

Posted by JerryP @jfperrone, Oct 27, 2023

I have a combative situation outside the home causing me stress and anxiety. I have never been so powerless to resolve the situation. I'm losing sleep, and feeling tense all day. My blood pressure has begun to rise. I'm a senior person and I fear for health problems this may cause.

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I also have a stress problem outside the home which I seem to have no control over. The stress got so bad I had a nervous breakdown. Have had to realize I can’t fix this issue till the individual wants to fix the issue. So all I am doing is hurting myself and my health. I have turned it over to the Lord. Amen


I can appreciate your situation. I'm still hoping my problem will resolve itself.
Perhaps I'm being to optimistic. I'm not sure what a nervous breakdown feels like but I may be getting close; it is debilitating.


Sorry to hear about your situation. My first thought is Psalm 55:22. My paraphrase “ cast this burden on The Lord “. Next, pray for wisdom. Proverbs 3:4-6. I’m a praying Christian, not a perfect person, just forgiven and trying to help out where I can. Is there anyone, you can confide in that’ll have your back? Prayers and best wishes.


Hi JerryP.,
I'm so sorry that you are going through something like this. The people who have commented about praying are absolutely right! Prayer works and God is there for you! Is it possible for you to move away from the stressful situation? Try and relax as much as you can. Praying will help that. So does a nice hot shower and a cup of tea or a glass of iced wine. (Fill the wine glass up with ice and pour the wine over it.) Reading a good book helps also.
I'll remember you in my prayers.


I thank all of you for responding to my issue. We don’t know the answers, only God can know that. Pml had good suggestions.
Jeffery, I will read the Bible verses you suggested, thanks.
Jerry, please try to let the Lord handle your issue, as it sounds like it is affecting your health.
Believe me !!!! I know it is hard to step back, (I don’t mean desert the person/problem) but take a break before it has a hard hit on your health !! God bless !!


You cannot change other people. You can change two thing -- your attitude toward them or your situation. Some people are jerks. Believe me, I've worked with a few of them over my 40-plus years in the workforce. For some, their greatest triumph is living rent-free in your head. Don't give them the space. Get HR involved. Maybe you can transfer to a position where you have not contact with the person causing this outside the home situation. Most organizations these days will take a well-thought-out plea for help in dealing with a bad apple seriously. Losing people who quit over these types of situations cost companies hundreds of millions of dollars nationwide every year. So either do a 180 degree about-face with this situation and determine it's their problem not yours (a bit of positive self-talk helps) or change your situation. I have used both methods in dealing with these bad actors, but have never been ignored or told "it's all in your head."


Sorry to hear about your situation. My first thought is Psalm 55:22. My paraphrase “ cast this burden on The Lord “. Next, pray for wisdom. Proverbs 3:4-6. I’m a praying Christian, not a perfect person, just forgiven and trying to help out where I can. Is there anyone, you can confide in that’ll have your back? Prayers and best wishes.

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Good advice. Sometimes, we can't do anything outside ourselves, and that results in stress. I know, personally, that when I get overly stressed, my chronic pain level rises significantly. Another good verse (paraphrase) from Jesus, tells us to "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your soul".

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