I had a stroke three and a half years ago.

Posted by precastman1952 @precastman1952, Mar 4 9:30am

Actually, it effected two parts of my brain. Balance and memory.
Balance is getting better but my memory need improvement. Are the vitamins or medications I can take to assist with memory? I am on blood pressure, blood thinners and other meds.

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This is a very good question!

I had a stroke on Christmas Eve, 2018.
It affected my right side; I still have very little use of my right arm/hand.

Luckily, my memory wasn't damaged too badly, though I find that there are random holes in both my long- and short-term memory.

What helps me is to participate in mental activity that engages my memory. It can be as simple as remembering what I had to eat two days ago. (Try it; it's harder than you'd think.)

In terms of diet, I was cautioned years ago to keep my blood sugar under control. Sugar has a corrosive effect on brain cells.

I look forward to seeing what others recommend.

Also, you may find my YouTube channel about my stroke recovery helpful.
"From Recovery to Discovery":


Hi. I had two strokes during open heart surgery in 2022. Memory & balance as well a plethora of other things affected… I worked with a speech therapist for memory issues. If you haven’t tried, maybe look into that? Don’t give up!


Hi. I had two strokes during open heart surgery in 2022. Memory & balance as well a plethora of other things affected… I worked with a speech therapist for memory issues. If you haven’t tried, maybe look into that? Don’t give up!

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Thank you. Hope you continue to get better.


Tagging @fowler0822 @tinadish @army1172 @caroline58 @sally12345 @bunnybear, who may have some input for you related to the balance and memory issues you've noted since your stroke 3 1/2 years ago, @precastman1952. @tamerahunt also may have some thoughts to share.

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