I came through the surgery just fine!

Thank all of you for the great support you gave me!

The lidocaine is helping me (lasts three days) so I am fine with OTC pain meds for now.

Doc took a good half an inch around the tumors in all directions so I am hopeful we got clear margins.

Only one lymph node taken that looked normal.

Will get pathology report in two weeks.

Surgery took 6 1/2 hours total.

Can’t believe how tired I am. I am fairly comfortable but very tired.

Thank you all so much, you guys are awesome! Just wanted to let you know the surgery was just fine and I didn’t wake up in pain at all.


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At my hospital i would call urgent care. Seems odd they cannot figure it out. Please get a 2nd opinion as this does not feel right. Please keep us posted.


Does anyone know about seromas after lymph node biopsy(was negative) I has been aspirated 7 times. Wear compression and when I take off to shower after 3 days of compression the seroma comes back filling up. I have the compression on but with the fluid in there sides won't stick down to heal. I am going to have another aspiration rather than a drain. Does anyone know if it eventually stops oozing and just goes flat and away?


Yikes I am so sorry this is happening to you and I hope it heals very soon.

I wish I had helpful advice.

I hope you heal soon 🙏🌹❤️

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Is there anyone in support grous that had a seroma and can discuss their experience with it? How long and what did you do to get rid of. I have had for over a month and keep aspirating it. 7 times. It is healing and less is coming out every time. On ultrasound you can see healing and 9 Cc came out a week ago. It started with 62 Cc. Anyway I just don't want it to harden and stay. After I took off compression to shower it has started filling up again. What have others done?


Who knows about seromas? Mine keeps coming back since cancer breast surgery. I have had 7 aspirations. The compression does not get all the way under arm. When I take off compression bandage for shower. Seroma fills up again so area does not heal because sides are not stuck down anymore the compression is useless between aspirations. Who knows about this?

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I hope you found some resolution! I’m unsure how surgeons decide to use post surgery drains. I didn’t have drains. The seroma formed from the node removal was worse than radiation. Draining it when the fluid became infected was traumatic. I asked my PCM for a chest CT months later after a lot of discomfort at a secondary tumor site near the chest wall. Viola! A seroma at that site also. I changed surgeons to someone whose wife is a 20yr breast cancer survivor and feel more comfortable with him on my team. The seromas may not completely resolve and they are uncomfortable almost 2yrs out, but not another infection!


I hope you found some resolution! I’m unsure how surgeons decide to use post surgery drains. I didn’t have drains. The seroma formed from the node removal was worse than radiation. Draining it when the fluid became infected was traumatic. I asked my PCM for a chest CT months later after a lot of discomfort at a secondary tumor site near the chest wall. Viola! A seroma at that site also. I changed surgeons to someone whose wife is a 20yr breast cancer survivor and feel more comfortable with him on my team. The seromas may not completely resolve and they are uncomfortable almost 2yrs out, but not another infection!

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I had continuous seromas after my cancer bc surgery and removal of lymph nodes 2. My doc wanted to do a drain. I had ultrasound and aspirations 8 times in close succession til the seroma was gone. No drain for me. The aspirations worked. Over!


Is there anyone in support grous that had a seroma and can discuss their experience with it? How long and what did you do to get rid of. I have had for over a month and keep aspirating it. 7 times. It is healing and less is coming out every time. On ultrasound you can see healing and 9 Cc came out a week ago. It started with 62 Cc. Anyway I just don't want it to harden and stay. After I took off compression to shower it has started filling up again. What have others done?

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I had Sonoma after mastectomy and lymph node removal. Surgeon gave me drain after surgery. The drain was removed after over a week. The Senoma site was quite big. Instead of aspirating it, Surgeon told me to let the body naturally absorb it over the time. I wasn’t comfortable to sleep on that side. But after a year, my MRI showed that the Senoma is gone.


I had Sonoma after mastectomy and lymph node removal. Surgeon gave me drain after surgery. The drain was removed after over a week. The Senoma site was quite big. Instead of aspirating it, Surgeon told me to let the body naturally absorb it over the time. I wasn’t comfortable to sleep on that side. But after a year, my MRI showed that the Senoma is gone.

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Mine started out being the size of a base ball. I could not wait a year for body to absorb. I kept going back to have it aspirated. It took 8 times and about 3 weeks. I used compression garment in between aspirations.

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