I am starting a new discussion about Suzetrigine a novel drug for pain
ok...So here's what I know and what I think is true. This drug was FDA fast tracked. The results of the phase 3 clinical trial for acute pain were very good. It was on track to be approved on 1/30/25 but due to an executive order regarding FDA communications it is not clear if the FDA will be allowed to release the approval or not.
Vertex completed a phase 2 study and the results were inconclusive due to poor study design. After reviewing the results it is my opinion if a better designed phase 3 is approved the results will be similar to the study for acute pain. This is the first new non-opioid pain medicine in 20 years.
Once it is approved I plan on insisting my doctor writes an off label script so I can try it even though my pain, like your's is chronic. The side effect profile is excellent..i.e. there were actually MORE side effects in the placebo arm of the study... doesn't get better than that.
That being said, there is no information on the side effects for chronic pain, which would require long term use but after reviewing the research i will take a chance.
I am not sure about how the medicare coverage will work, but once it is approved I will look into it and share with you here. I think they may have to pay for it if your doctor writes a script off label or not.
This has the potential for being a game changer so I think we need to educate our doctors and do
our own research.
Please let me know if I can provide links to more information that might help you.
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I discussed with Medicare who transferred me to my Pharmacy Insurance provider, who said the medication is available from them at $76.00 for a 90 day supply.
Keep us in the loop!
Thank you! I will discuss this with my MD. Opioids cause prostate swelling, which is my other issue, so any new med that is not opium based is good news.