I am kinda right back where I was ...still having like radio

Posted by WILKINS905 @wilkins905, Sep 19, 2012

I am kinda right back where I was ...still having like radio signals running around i my head......I still think the meds did it on the mix-up......I may have to visit Mayo to get better....I am at the point where I don't have much confidence in the honestty of these folks here @conniebug

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Hi wilkins I hope that things get better for you soon. Youv'e been in my thoughts.Take care Piglit


Hi ...thank you for your concern......I am still in trouble but .I am trying to deal with it.....i am not sure of what happen to me , but I still think a bad mix of drugs got me mess up.....I have checked interaction on drug.com and also got a report from CVS, the Walgreens that gave them to me would not even give me a printout......I am still trying to work with the doctors....I am not a suspious person...and I try to think postive in most situations...but anyway what I need to know is what after affects serotoin sydrome can stay with a person?My head keeps buzzing ..no pain ....who can live like this?again thank you for writing me

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