HPV P16 positive cancer
Hello, I am reaching out to see if anyone in this group is diagnosed with HPV P16 positive cancer We have unknown origin and are being treated for head and neck cancer. Anyone else with similiar presenation?.
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Yes I have the exact same thing. I went through 35 radiation treatments. And 5 chemo treatments, both at the same time.
I’ve been done. With treatment for
15 months. But the side effects are still very active.
I received 35 standard radiation treatments in Portland Oregon @ Knight Cancer Center - part of Oregon Health & Science university I also only received two rounds of chemo. I’m now 6 months post treatment and I am feeling better, gaining weight, & cancer free. Some dry mouth from time to time and my taste is off a bit.
I finished radiation & chemo treatment (35 rad & 7 wks chemo) Nov. 5, 2021, for HPV-stage 2; surgery not an option. Toughest treatment due to area, stay positive and stick with it.
Was doing very well after treatment from Nov through July, 2022. August began choking on simple sips of water & it progressively got worse, Neck described as "woody"; hard & stiff & reflected inside of throat. Swallow test showed narrowing in a section of esophagus, so had it stretched (Sept 2022) which helped a little. In this brief period of time, my body defense has developed an extreme case of Radiation Fibrosis (scare tissue), making eating a worse challenge than going through treatment. Had throat stretched for 2nd time (Feb, 2023), but not very successful. Doctor suggests doing again but in the hospital vs. his surgery center, where he will have more options; will schedule. Learning I am not alone because some have developed latent scare tissue even many years later. If anyone has Radiation Fibrosis and any other "family" related illnesses, please reply. I also have classic symptoms of scaladerma (Hands, feet & digestive issues) though tested negative for it many times, but my sister has it so it runs on the family.
You get to see your grandchildren longer.
My boyfriend freaked out from the mask as well!! His Drs gave him a prescription for Ativan to help him & it worked like a charm! I’m very surprised the Drs won’t help you with this!
Did you receive the standard 70 grey of radiation & where did you receive treatment? We are looking for low dose to minimize long term side affects.
@anybody10, the radiation treatments usually begin showing their harsh effects a few weeks ahead of where you are presently at on the timeline. Please read my past entries for experiences and tips. Look up red-light therapy, and buy an inexpensive wand. Begin shining it inside mouth, back of throat, and the outside of neck.
Every day before radiation treatment, I waved the wand around slowly for about ten minutes. Research has shown very positive results on radiated tissue when subjected to this type light. Hang in there!
I was diagnosed with HPV16 tongue cancer in November 2021. I've just started treatments and feel better already. I'm told that it does get worse before it's better but that will remain to be seen. I've had 2 chemo treatments and 5 radiation treatments. I dislike the radiation treatments enormously because of my claustrophobia. The mask was made and it bolts my head and shoulders down on the rad. table. Then of course you get prompts about swallowing or not swallowing. Of course my body reacts in the opposite so swallow when I'm not supposed to. I've sort of tamed the fear of being bolted down but not completely. I usually have 2 days out of the week that I feel bad from the chemo treatment. It's a little frightening reading here about others experiences with radiation and the lingering effects. Are there ever any good outcomes?
Thar's great advice. I asked them to pipe in music that I liked so i could think about something else. I just focused on my breathing. Keep it steady and relaxed.
Many of us have gone through this.
Though I’m not claustrophobic I don’t like being held down but here’s the thing; relax, keep positive thoughts, be convinced that there is no other option and confident that this procedure will kill that crap!
Don’t know what your beliefs are but I prayed for comfort to be upon you!