How,When,&Where my parasitic nightmare started>01/01/2012!

Posted by cmmorris @cmmorris, Sep 17, 2024

On this date I fell down the Deck steps on to my patio face first cutting the top of my left foot & the front of my left leg also a deep scratch in the corner of my right eye thru my hair line my head hit the grill & the cuts were from metal furniture.I feed the neighborhood cats at that time 10 or 11 i'm sure that is when my open cuts caused a way into my body from the cats infected with parasites. That summer the only thing was little infected dots around my right eye & my left foot & leg my outer ears,eyebrows,& nose itched a little weird just figured i had just touched something working in yard.Around April 2013 little white balls started a the base of my right eyelashes I thought it was just a little eye infection Doctor gave drops.Three days after that I felt something moving corner of my left eye 3 little white things swaying bac & forth like those blown up things in car lots.Went to the E.R doctor said he knew nothing about parasites said he write script but it was over counter for pin worms I got 2 bottles drank both you guessed it Hell no that did not Work! So now these things have just about taken every part of my body for their home NOT one Doctor has ever believed me I have had 2 infectious disease DR tell me people do not get Parasites on their faces Ears,nose,mouth,eyes 1 in Rome Ga the other At the V.A. in Murfreesboro Tenn.2015 I got my first microscope now over 2000 phots & videos & no one wants to look at them I will post a few later maybe someone can tell me what they are I did find 3 online I thought the White ones with a big mouth 2 tubes were female but now it shows it as a male & female is long with lots of them inside The long black ones are under my scalp now just by accident I found out why my back has itched drove me crazy for years they are in my hair & everytime i combed my hair (YEP) down my back I hope they are dead because they do not move but still make me itch.

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How awful for you! This must be driving you crazy! I'm surprised the doctors didn't try and figure out more about what is happening to you! I do have a suggestion but you may not want to try it. I would use Dawn dishwashing detergent and use it in the shower all over your body and hair. It's safe. I have washed my hair with it now for 50 years; (I'm 78) with no side effects except I have no gray hair which I like! It does clean and kill germs. It might kill those things that are taking over your body and it won't hurt your skin. Do rinse it off very well.

The only other thing to do is to pray. God is there for us if we just ask. He made those odd little things and he can get rid of them. I doubt if his plan was for them to exist on humans. I will say a prayer for you also.
Best wishes,


My hell started in 2012 I just did not know it until June of 2013 since then when I saw 3 white parasites at the corner of left eye swaying back & forth like those blow- up things in car lots.Jan 2012 I fell down my deck steps on to patio cutting my left foot& front of left leg & a deep scratch in the outside corner of right eye thru hair line needed stiches on leg &foot just butterflied both & laid in bed a couple days I feed cats at that point 11 cats were wanting food I know this is how I contracted parasites thru the open wounds I don't think I would have gotten parasites from my neck-up if not the scratch on my eye.Early in 2013 I got little white balls at the base of my eyelashes went to my doctor at the V.A. thinking it was just a little eye infection she gave me some drops but 3 days later that is when I saw those 3 things went to the E.R in Calhoun Ga the Doc said he didn't know anything about parasites I ask if he could collect a few of the balls & send to lab he said said it was late no one in lab said he would write script went to C.V.S she said it was over the counter 1 bottle family of five when a person sees things sticking out of your face it scares the hell out of a person so I drank all 3 on the way home did not do anything it was just for pinworms I got back in to see my doctor a month later at the V.A. in Chattanooga I told her Where, When & how I got Parasites I had to ask her to look at my eyes & take samples for lab test did not happen I did not find out what she was writing about my visit that day until a year later I had been to Nashville & Murfreesboro V.A trying to get a doctor to do test because by this time my face was infected with things. I could not figure out why all those doctors kept telling me I needed a shrink so while sitting in yet another psychiatrst she stepped out of the room my daughter checked out her pc & ask me did I see this that is when I found out D.Scott did not LOOK at me did not listen to a word I said in that Office visit way back in June she said I had pulled out all my eyelashes,eyebrows & that I said I got the Parasites from walking barefoot.I ask the nurse back in Chattanooga why Dr.Scott would say something like that she said I had told doctor that I had pulled out my lashes & brows I was dumbfounded I said who in the hell would tell a doctor that even if they had.I have the same eyebrows now that I had that day never came out so if she would have looked at me I sat 2ft away.That is NO excuse for all those doctors taking what another doctor says without doing their dam job of taking care & listening to that person asking for help. I have heard comments from doctors over the years when I explain to them & why I know these horrible things are real I purchased a Digital microscope in 2015 but all the hundreds of videos & photos I have doctors DO NOT want to see them. Why can't doctors order Labs for Parasites NOT bacteria I just paid four hundred dollars for labs & the last thing I said to the doctor please if you do not tell them to test for parasites they will not & of course the labs came back bacterial are all normal.I am at the end of my rope without a knot I'm trying to get up the nerve to try another doctor I tell myself maybe this one will order the right test even tho they don't believe a word I say.I have not had a life in almost 12yrs that's just effin wrong! When I get my photos collected I will put them with my story if someone even reads this it's long.


My hell started in 2012 I just did not know it until June of 2013 since then when I saw 3 white parasites at the corner of left eye swaying back & forth like those blow- up things in car lots.Jan 2012 I fell down my deck steps on to patio cutting my left foot& front of left leg & a deep scratch in the outside corner of right eye thru hair line needed stiches on leg &foot just butterflied both & laid in bed a couple days I feed cats at that point 11 cats were wanting food I know this is how I contracted parasites thru the open wounds I don't think I would have gotten parasites from my neck-up if not the scratch on my eye.Early in 2013 I got little white balls at the base of my eyelashes went to my doctor at the V.A. thinking it was just a little eye infection she gave me some drops but 3 days later that is when I saw those 3 things went to the E.R in Calhoun Ga the Doc said he didn't know anything about parasites I ask if he could collect a few of the balls & send to lab he said said it was late no one in lab said he would write script went to C.V.S she said it was over the counter 1 bottle family of five when a person sees things sticking out of your face it scares the hell out of a person so I drank all 3 on the way home did not do anything it was just for pinworms I got back in to see my doctor a month later at the V.A. in Chattanooga I told her Where, When & how I got Parasites I had to ask her to look at my eyes & take samples for lab test did not happen I did not find out what she was writing about my visit that day until a year later I had been to Nashville & Murfreesboro V.A trying to get a doctor to do test because by this time my face was infected with things. I could not figure out why all those doctors kept telling me I needed a shrink so while sitting in yet another psychiatrst she stepped out of the room my daughter checked out her pc & ask me did I see this that is when I found out D.Scott did not LOOK at me did not listen to a word I said in that Office visit way back in June she said I had pulled out all my eyelashes,eyebrows & that I said I got the Parasites from walking barefoot.I ask the nurse back in Chattanooga why Dr.Scott would say something like that she said I had told doctor that I had pulled out my lashes & brows I was dumbfounded I said who in the hell would tell a doctor that even if they had.I have the same eyebrows now that I had that day never came out so if she would have looked at me I sat 2ft away.That is NO excuse for all those doctors taking what another doctor says without doing their dam job of taking care & listening to that person asking for help. I have heard comments from doctors over the years when I explain to them & why I know these horrible things are real I purchased a Digital microscope in 2015 but all the hundreds of videos & photos I have doctors DO NOT want to see them. Why can't doctors order Labs for Parasites NOT bacteria I just paid four hundred dollars for labs & the last thing I said to the doctor please if you do not tell them to test for parasites they will not & of course the labs came back bacterial are all normal.I am at the end of my rope without a knot I'm trying to get up the nerve to try another doctor I tell myself maybe this one will order the right test even tho they don't believe a word I say.I have not had a life in almost 12yrs that's just effin wrong! When I get my photos collected I will put them with my story if someone even reads this it's long.

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Just a few from my blood,stool,Under Scalp & hair wil show more next.


Just a few from my blood,stool,Under Scalp & hair wil show more next.

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I'm sorry you are having a hard time getting a diagnosis, and don't blame you for feeling frustrated. There are commercial labs that will do tests for parasites without a doctor's order. You can Google to see what is available.
If you have parasites in your stool, you will want a "Fecal Ova & Parasite" test. For bloodborne parasites, there are blood tests. I am not sure what specific tests are available for skin & hair, as these tests are normally done by a dermatologist who uses a scraper and places the sample on a slide.
Of course, without a referral, you will probably not qualify for insurance or Medicare reimbursement, and will have to pay out of pocket for each screening.
Doers this give you a direction to pursue answers?


I'm sorry you are having a hard time getting a diagnosis, and don't blame you for feeling frustrated. There are commercial labs that will do tests for parasites without a doctor's order. You can Google to see what is available.
If you have parasites in your stool, you will want a "Fecal Ova & Parasite" test. For bloodborne parasites, there are blood tests. I am not sure what specific tests are available for skin & hair, as these tests are normally done by a dermatologist who uses a scraper and places the sample on a slide.
Of course, without a referral, you will probably not qualify for insurance or Medicare reimbursement, and will have to pay out of pocket for each screening.
Doers this give you a direction to pursue answers?

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If doctors would step up & order labs for Parasites I would have been cured years ago I just paid $400. for labs the last thing I ask of the doctor,( Please tell the lab to test only for Parasites because if you don't they will not do it I got the results back & cried (no bacterial found why are doctors like this I ask a doctor that my husband had seen a few years ago if he would refer me to the Infectious disease Dr. in Rome I explained how I got them he was hesitate to do it but he did & the last thing he said to me as I was leaving ( I hope you don't embarrass me) I thought to myself, you sob you just did that to yourself.I got the appointment & this Dr told me people do not get parasites on their faces as in eyes- nose- mouth- ears & throat how can a infectious disease Dr. say that? I just looked at him grabbed my purse & got out of there OH but I did get a free sample handcream & charged $150.00 sometimes I think about getting a list of all the doctors I have seen since 2013 & finding a lawyer I have never done something like this before but the things are killing me mayb dr will start helping those of us who have these monsters in our bodies destroying our lives.


It is a shame this day & time a person suffering from parasites for many years has to start thinking about legal help just to get a doctor to to stop thinking you are delusional even before you explain to them how you were infected it seems like they don't want to hear or just don't care if you say you were infected by cats that should tell them that is what should be ordered to test for at the lab I do not understand why doctors can't seem to write (Testing for Parasites) I was not delusional in 2013 & I am not delusional now another question why don't they sit down with a person & look at the photos & videos taken with a Digital microscope since 2015 when I decided I wasn't going to get any help from the doctors I had seen especially the infectious disease doctor when he said people do not get parasites on their faces,eyes,nose,mouth &ears O yes we do I am living proof but trying to prove this just ain't working!!


It is a shame this day & time a person suffering from parasites for many years has to start thinking about legal help just to get a doctor to to stop thinking you are delusional even before you explain to them how you were infected it seems like they don't want to hear or just don't care if you say you were infected by cats that should tell them that is what should be ordered to test for at the lab I do not understand why doctors can't seem to write (Testing for Parasites) I was not delusional in 2013 & I am not delusional now another question why don't they sit down with a person & look at the photos & videos taken with a Digital microscope since 2015 when I decided I wasn't going to get any help from the doctors I had seen especially the infectious disease doctor when he said people do not get parasites on their faces,eyes,nose,mouth &ears O yes we do I am living proof but trying to prove this just ain't working!!

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@cmmorris, I merged your posts into one discussion so that members can follow your story and support you.

I have also included Mayo Clinic's page on Infectious Disease, which includes a link to request an appointment and a second opinion should you seek one,


It is a shame this day & time a person suffering from parasites for many years has to start thinking about legal help just to get a doctor to to stop thinking you are delusional even before you explain to them how you were infected it seems like they don't want to hear or just don't care if you say you were infected by cats that should tell them that is what should be ordered to test for at the lab I do not understand why doctors can't seem to write (Testing for Parasites) I was not delusional in 2013 & I am not delusional now another question why don't they sit down with a person & look at the photos & videos taken with a Digital microscope since 2015 when I decided I wasn't going to get any help from the doctors I had seen especially the infectious disease doctor when he said people do not get parasites on their faces,eyes,nose,mouth &ears O yes we do I am living proof but trying to prove this just ain't working!!

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I tested positive for filarial antibodies ordered my own tests if it helps you out


I just wanted to say that when it was suggested to me that I might have something that was based on a psychiatric disorder, I wanted to clear that up. So I followed that advice and in the end, I had two psychiatrists that denied my issue was psychiatrically based, but much better, they ended up helping me to find out what was medically wrong with me. This is what I would recommend that you do. Psychiatrists are full medical doctors and while they specialize in the brain/mind, they're still really smart when it comes to medical issues. If you have a doctor in your corner, you're going to get farther then this constant banging your head against the wall and getting nowhere. And even if it is determined to be an issue with the mind, wouldn't you rather get treatment for that in order to stop this constant torture you're now dealing with now?

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