How to tell family about your diagnosis?
I have been avoiding telling my adult children about my diagnosis. I need to do it now before any kind of treatment starts.
I'm 56 years old and I know this will come as a huge shock to everyone since I have never had any health issues. Any advice on how to tell them?
Thank you!
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@kayabbott No sense in sharing your upcoming concerns to anyone until you feel ready to. Think ahead to what some might say or react, questions you might have asked to you. It might put you into a funk, or have you questioning your decision to say anything!
Like you, before sharing with family and friends about changes in my diagnoses, I was able to go to a sibling to "just talk", which seems to take the pressure off. Choosing someone who will not ask a lot but offer support is important. Then when you are ready, try doing a group email out, blind copying people if need be. Most recently, in July, that was the format I did, and it worked out well.
Thank you all for your wise words and support. I have a composite lymphoma diagnosis (Cll and MZL) with all sorts of concerning sypmtoms. My adult kids took it pretty well. The toughest was telling my son who has two kids, (my sweet grandkids). I simplified my explanation since all of this is so confusing to someone who has never heard of lymphoma. It's a weight off my shoulders and I am
trying not to have any expectations. My husband is a constant support so I am very lucky. Thanking you all from the bottom of my heart, Lynn
Yes, it’s fine to tell people on a need to know basis, especially people who ask more than they help. Finding a/few helpful support person(s) is/are key to help keep balance and perspective. Uncertainty and unknowns is hard to deal with but can be easier when shared. Sometimes a paid counselor can be part of your support anc healthcare team. Good luck!
Thank you for sharing this with us. You are such a brave and beautiful person. I give you so much credit for bringing young children and yourself through an awful journey. You're an inspiration to me.