Thyroid Nodules: How many is too many?

Posted by fivejoiners @fivejoiners, Jan 29, 2023

Hi all. I had a follow up ultrasound after one year. I had 4 nodules last year -2 suspicious. I have 12nodules this year, 7 suspicious. 4 referred for fnd. 7 between 1-3cm. I am going to call Mayo Clinic tomorrow and request an appointment at thyroid nodule clinic. But I am completely new to all this. Are these results worrisome? My family Dr is who referred me-although he referred locally. I want to know how quickly I should try to see someone.

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If anyone has a similar history, would love to hear.


From what I understand, nodules come and go. I don’t know what causes this, however it seems like something that just happens. The large size and suspicious ones should definitely be evaluated so it’s good that you are going to have a biopsy. In my opinion, the sooner the better for follow-up….why wait? My biopsy was indeterminant so they did Affirma testing (done at the same time) where they send the slides to check the genetic makeup of it (i think they called it the genetics). This test helped identify the probability of cancer (mine was 50% chance of Hurthle Cell Carcinoma) which was the cancer diagnosis I got after surgery.
In my opinion, always better to know than not know so you can make an informed decision.
Good luck!


Went to Md Anderson. They redid the US and are “watching”. I go back in six months. So very grateful. They found the same nodules and a very large thyroid. Was so quick!!

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