How many had a previous PSA before / How many didn’t?

Posted by fuzzy123 @fuzzy123, Jul 17, 2023

I never had a PSA test and honestly didn’t even know what PSA meant !!!

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My father and grandfather had prostate cancer diagnosis at around 80. However, it wasn't aggressive, wasn't treated and it didn't kill them.

My sister requested that I requested the PSA early, when I was in my early 60ties. I started taking Flowmax about 6-8 years ago. My fist biopsy was 2018, 5 years ago; my PSA was 4.1, prompt a biopsy that was negative. In April 2022 my PSA shot up to 7.98. My second biopsy was done in the fall of 2022,

My biopsies from last fall were positive on 3 of the cores and I'm now under active surveillance. My PSA is now at 8.87, and I'll be receiving another biopsy and MRI in October. The Gleason score reported was 3+3, 6/10.


I have annual physicals ( if I skip it my doctors do not renew my scripts) and it always includes a PSA blood test and that has been my experience for 50 years


All Medical Doctors know that PSA blood testing is Not Recommended!! Because of the non reliability of them that could cause unnecessary testing !!!
But if you ask Any Urologist, Oncologist they will tell you it should be mandatory or at least discussed with all male patients !! Considering 1 out of every 9 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetimes.
As for my Family Doctor he never discussed it with me and says it’s not recommended to get a PSA blood test !! Therefore I never did and only after complaining for 9 months and 8 Drs visits he finally checked that little box on the Testing paper 🙈 And if not done so when he finally did I would have already passed away !!! I am 1 step away from that now !!
I guarantee that every doctor in the USA ( including my own ) when the time comes will get or have already gotten a PSA test regardless of what is recommended by a panel of Doctors that are not even Cancer Doctors 🙈 Insurance companies run this world and dictate policy!! And it’s costing people their lives !!


PSA became part of my annual physical starting at age 50. My primary doctor from ages 50 to 55 always did a Digital Rectal Exam whereas my primary from 55 to present has never done a DRE. I was sent to the urologist when my PSA was slightly over the limit for a guy my age. She did a DRE but didn't feel anything. Turned out my "slightly elevated" and "no bumps" was Gleason 8 PC.


My primary care provider stated adding that to my blood work when I turned 50, I believe…


All Medical Doctors know that PSA blood testing is Not Recommended!! Because of the non reliability of them that could cause unnecessary testing !!!
But if you ask Any Urologist, Oncologist they will tell you it should be mandatory or at least discussed with all male patients !! Considering 1 out of every 9 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetimes.
As for my Family Doctor he never discussed it with me and says it’s not recommended to get a PSA blood test !! Therefore I never did and only after complaining for 9 months and 8 Drs visits he finally checked that little box on the Testing paper 🙈 And if not done so when he finally did I would have already passed away !!! I am 1 step away from that now !!
I guarantee that every doctor in the USA ( including my own ) when the time comes will get or have already gotten a PSA test regardless of what is recommended by a panel of Doctors that are not even Cancer Doctors 🙈 Insurance companies run this world and dictate policy!! And it’s costing people their lives !!

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To fuzzy123
I wish you well going forward. You have not stated your age; that would be useful information for readers to know as the recommendations about PSA's are influenced by one's age. The good news is that you are currently in remission. The bad news is that you have created quite a firestorm on this forum with your four separate posts (rants) on the same topic. Some of your statements are untrue; others are very inflammatory. You probably have a legitimate complaint against your personal doctor for not prescribing a PSA test but it would have been very easy for you to go to another doctor to get the required

prescription. However, your rant about the medical profession/industry is over the top; particularly when you consider the advances that have been made over the last couple of years with new drugs and PSMA-PET scans. As a couple of others have suggested; it is time for you to cool down and relax.


Agreed but Fussy is new to this cancer business and he may still be in shock. It took me a long time to adjust to cancer and my prognosis and time and some prescriptions meds helped me to think clearer and to adjust to the new reality. Hence, we all need our space and we do not have to listen to each word, just get the gist of the post.


Agreed but Fussy is new to this cancer business and he may still be in shock. It took me a long time to adjust to cancer and my prognosis and time and some prescriptions meds helped me to think clearer and to adjust to the new reality. Hence, we all need our space and we do not have to listen to each word, just get the gist of the post.

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Very kind and generous.
Fuzzy was dx'd 1 year ago; has had radiation and ADT; and is in remission. He is on Abiraterone and prednisone; a more recent development and combination of meds.
With much respect for your advanced PCa, my sense is that Fuzzy may have been told that he has a 50% chance of recurrence in 5 yrs. At which time, there are other txs available today, and hopefully additional txs then.
With G 9 and EPE, and BCR at 90 days post RP, together with salvage radiation and ADT, I must anticipate a very high liklihood (almost a guarantee) of future recurrence. Hell, I am still waiting and praying for undetectable PSA and evidence of remission at my Nov 2023 PSA testing. That will be over 18 mos of continous testing and treatment with no "quiet period ".
Many on this site have experienced a number of "events" over time and medication changes/challenges, and are grateful for the improvements and advances. And handled it all with dignity and grace. As you have.
Of course, we all wish and pray for "more and better".
God Bless us all.


I'm actually going to agree with Fuzzy a bit. 2017, age 53, I had some health issues and was diagnosed with very low B12. (Family medicine doctor) Prescribed monthly B12 injections and continued blood tests every 6 months for three years. At no time in 3 years of blood testing was a PSA test ever suggested. Injections helped but I still had fatigue. Went to a different family doctor who did suggest PSA test which showed PSA at 9.29. DRE negative but had biopsy based on high PSA. Gleason 3+4. Uro told me most doctors (non Urologists) believe PSA testing is not accurate for PC probability. Post surgical biopsy confirmed Gleason 3+4 with +EPE and +SM. Continued with B12 shots and still had some fatigue. Went to my wife's Internist and blood test showed very low testosterone. He said I couldn't have testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) until I had undetectable PSA post surgery for 2 years. My Uro did not agree with that statement, nor does my current Endocrinologist. While I am high risk for BCR, studies are showing that TRT does not cause BCR. So, first doctor diagnosed low B12, did not recommend PSA test and ignored my complaints of fatigue (caused by low testosterone). Second doctor wisely suggested PSA testing but ignored complaints of continued fatigue ( didn't test my testosterone) Third doctor successfully diagnosed low testosterone but was not knowledgeable with TRT. We know new medical information is being discovered but I believe a lot of doctors stick by what they were taught many years ago.


Make sure your GP orders a full PSA test. It should be a PSA, a PSA Free, and a PSA Free %. My PSA Free % was low and was the only thing that tipped me off to my cancer. It was ordered by my female endocrinologist and not my fired GP who said it was not his protocol to order the full test. It is not my protocol to go to a doctor who I no longer trust.

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