How long before relapse occurs or ADT fails?

Posted by wellness100 @wellness100, Jul 22, 2023

There seems different studies/opinions regarding how long treatment of high risk PC last without surgery lasts. In cases with radiotherapy, or without, with chemo or without, a with both first and second generation ADT. Some seem to suggest as little as 2-3 years, others as long as 10 years or more. The deciding factor seems to be the PSA level reached on first treatment. Those who go below 0.2 or even 0.1 seems to do better than those who remain above 0.2.
Does anyone have any opinion to share, or any from their medical team?
Please join in the discussion. Any link would be useful and appreciated.

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I love my oncologist response when I asked her directly "How long will ADT Last" question. Her reply was wonderful. A very heart felt. "We keep trying with ADT, again and again and again and again, and when that fails we make adjustments and try again and again." There was no direct answer, or generality, which is what I was looking for. It was a shuttle reminder of why we do these quarterly blood test and PSA's.

I track my quality of life (QOL). Every oncology visit I report my QOL findings/trackings. It's a direct response to her first question to me which is always "How are you?" It helps her go beyond the blood test numbers.

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Right on. Some patients go on ADT for life. Despite side effects, is a remarkable treatment. I took it for 3 and a half years. Kept me going. The literature says most people on ADT relapse within first 5 years. Not everyone though.


I am curious too if the stage ever changes for the better after treatment. If it is in the lymph nodes it that considered stage 4, or not unless it mets outside of prostate region?

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I have stage 4A. That means no distant metastasis. My cancer spread to the regional lymph nodes in the pelvic area. As long as it does not metastasize to bones, lung or liver, prognosis still good. However, I know people with bone Mets that are still alive after 10-15 years.


Hi all I had my prostate out in 2014. Earlier this year in April my prostate count went up to 1.79. and it had moved into my lymph notes. So at this moment in time, I am stage four. Having chemo and hormone injections. I don’t actually know what the outcome is going to be. So having your prostate out, doesn’t actually mean you’re cured. if you do have your prostate out, I’d recommend you going for a six-month blood test. my doctors miss mine. This is why am at stage four

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You are right. There are also people who are on hormone for 10-15 years or more without 'progress' or relapse. So what is a cure and what is remission? The line seems blurred.


My husband Gleason 4/4 no metastasis.
Post 44 radiation 30 days and first injection Lupron done in April stamina down 50 %.
How r u coping with fatigue?
My husband also gets over whelmed easily.
Next month they want him to start him on alberiterone and prednisone.
His argument is if the radiation killed the tumor, why more adt?
Have u had any systemic affects from radiation they haven’t told u about that we should know?
Thanks for replying.
God bless and heal you!

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I thought I would bounce back after the chemo and radiation. However, I didn’t. Then I read that it can take up to a year and some side effects can be permanent.

After a couple months I started feeling more motivated. Unbeknownst to me, my wife started adding in St. John’s Wart supplement to my host of supplements (as recommended by my natural path doc that I also see). She had been giving it to me for 1 week.

I tried going off it, then back on it again several times. Each time I noticed the difference in my mood.

I hope this helps some. It can be a tough journey. But it helps to talk with others on the same road.


Hi all I had my prostate out in 2014. Earlier this year in April my prostate count went up to 1.79. and it had moved into my lymph notes. So at this moment in time, I am stage four. Having chemo and hormone injections. I don’t actually know what the outcome is going to be. So having your prostate out, doesn’t actually mean you’re cured. if you do have your prostate out, I’d recommend you going for a six-month blood test. my doctors miss mine. This is why am at stage four

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Yes I was put on Zolodex right away for 18 month BUT 2 years later it was in my L1 lumbar which I had then radiated and put back on Zolodex. Never should have taken it off
This Jan in L2 lumbar so put me on Xtandi and Xgeva 78 now had radiation in 2017 so 6 year of travels but feel great
PSA back down from 9.8 in Jan to 1.7
Enjoy every day


You are right. There are also people who are on hormone for 10-15 years or more without 'progress' or relapse. So what is a cure and what is remission? The line seems blurred.

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Look into Turkey Tail Mushrooms from


I have stage 4A. That means no distant metastasis. My cancer spread to the regional lymph nodes in the pelvic area. As long as it does not metastasize to bones, lung or liver, prognosis still good. However, I know people with bone Mets that are still alive after 10-15 years.

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I guess that is what my husband is also. His is regional in lymph. He just had his last adt treatment, so praying the psa doesn’t go up

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