How long do the side effects of Lupron/Eligard last?

Posted by northshorepaul @northshorepaul, Jun 19, 2023

This Monday I am getting my number 3 and last injection of 6 month duration Eligard/Lupron. This is after 39 Proton Beam sessions which began 3 months after I was started on the 18 month protocol of ADT treatment.
My question is for those who have gone this route, how long after this last injection will I begin to get some relief from the medication? The hot flashes and perspiration seem to be the most obvious and prevalent side effect. Weight gain around the waistline and shrinkage of other body parts is noticeable but does not affect comfort as the perspiration accompanied by the hot flashes. I am really bothering my wife with the roller coaster movement of the air conditioning thermostat, up and down throughout the day...and night. lol
As I write this I get my last injection tomorrow and six months since the 2nd injection the hot flashes feel as bad as they did 6 months ago.

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Thanks for posting. I have received my 3rd Lupron injection in 7 months last week and my side effects mimic yours. I start my 25 Proton Beam sessions in two weeks. I am curious as well about relief from meds.


i am in the same situation now on the lupron topic just got a 6 month shot,,,,funny this discussion remindes me it will be 18 months in october when it is done . and I share the comments . This is , completely obnoxious its like living in another body . even if i need some more deterrent it will not be hormonal. worst decision i was ever pushed in to. the doctor that pushed me was not aware what this crap is like , no one is until you take it and feel your life drift away. I've had 39 radiation visits along with a terrible after effect from 2 months of something called erleada, actually threw a whole bottle of it away,,into the land fill as deep as i could get it!!! beware what they think is good for you, because they have ever experienced the side effects of these other worldly medications.


We are all different and have different side effects and different intensity. I am 6 months post ADT and completely over the side effects although I can’t remember exactly when the stopped, but surely several months ago. I had flashes, sleep disorder, brain fog, but the side effects were manageable and the ADT had a good result on me. I get tested every 3 months and I hope that the good results continue for a long time.


I am 75 with aggressive high risk PCa. Treatment has been 39 IMRT sessions, 15 mos of lupron (on going), 10 mos of zytiga (ongoing). I am a Zombie with little quality of life which is better than quality of dead.
PSA is now undetectable. My concern is cognitive loss which is evident in my decrease in ability with crossword puzzles. There are studies showing that ADT may have a connection to dementia. Good luck to all.


At one of our prostate group meetings the Lupton lady rep said for some people it will linger on for years. I had 35 rads 2 years adt and lupron. Been off for 3 years and hot flashes as bad now as they were when on adt. Good luck to all.


I just completed year two on Eligard/Lupron. PSAs are under 1. For that, I am grateful. Hopefully, I turn 70 in September. Right now, with all the side effects, hot flashes, weight gain, and an endlessly drifting and forgetful mind, I am a better version of myself. I classify myself as a stage IV prostate cancer guy learning to live with cancer.


I am 73 and was diagnosed last November with stage 4 prostate cancer which had metastasized to my bones from thigh to skull. The meandering pain throughout my body was unbearable. I received my first Lupron shot in early November and the pain disappeared within days. Side effects included night sweats, fatigue and insomnia (strange combination). The pain started to return in late May but disappeared again after my second injection in early June. I should mention that my PSA count was 567 when diagnosed. It’s now 57 - still alarmingly high but headed in the right direction. I am also on Enzalutamide - 4 capsules a day. All meds are at no cost to me through the British Columbia Cancer Agency for which I am extremely grateful especially because the facility is located right here in my hometown of Kelowna. Great connecting with you all. Good luck on your journey.


I am 73 and was diagnosed last November with stage 4 prostate cancer which had metastasized to my bones from thigh to skull. The meandering pain throughout my body was unbearable. I received my first Lupron shot in early November and the pain disappeared within days. Side effects included night sweats, fatigue and insomnia (strange combination). The pain started to return in late May but disappeared again after my second injection in early June. I should mention that my PSA count was 567 when diagnosed. It’s now 57 - still alarmingly high but headed in the right direction. I am also on Enzalutamide - 4 capsules a day. All meds are at no cost to me through the British Columbia Cancer Agency for which I am extremely grateful especially because the facility is located right here in my hometown of Kelowna. Great connecting with you all. Good luck on your journey.

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2018 radiate 2020 met to L1 rad 1 inch out then back on Zolodex 2023 met to L2 T 10 T 11 so on Xtandi OHIP covered in Ontario as well Xgeva for calcium google it

No pain PSA was 10 now 1,2 and going down 78 feel great so 2017 tried robotic but would have made me incontinent hence rad in Jan 2018 5 years of this every scan and MRI in the book all covered So $60,000 a year keeping it controlled as stage 4


I just completed year two on Eligard/Lupron. PSAs are under 1. For that, I am grateful. Hopefully, I turn 70 in September. Right now, with all the side effects, hot flashes, weight gain, and an endlessly drifting and forgetful mind, I am a better version of myself. I classify myself as a stage IV prostate cancer guy learning to live with cancer.

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Thank you for sharing. Could I ask if your PSA went down right away or did it take months? My husband’s went down 60% in the first 2.5 weeks from the initial monthly shot. Wondering if will go down further in subsequent/weeks or months with additional shots. Thank you in advance for any info you can share.


Thank you for sharing. Could I ask if your PSA went down right away or did it take months? My husband’s went down 60% in the first 2.5 weeks from the initial monthly shot. Wondering if will go down further in subsequent/weeks or months with additional shots. Thank you in advance for any info you can share.

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Hi Jaykwik. At the beginning of treatment, my PSA was 120+. During radiation therapy (30 sessions), Chemo-therapy (6 weeks), and Lupron/Eligard (2 years), it began a steady, continuous decline. My quality of life has improved dramatically.

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