How does doctor monitor medication

Posted by hopefulheart @hopefulheart, Feb 27 4:00pm

I’m considering medication but want to know doctor will monitor if medication is working
Dexa scan is only one tool
Do any of you have doctors that check bone turnover markers?
How often ?

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My endocrinologist only checks a dexa scan every 2 years too which is BS. I have requested a CTX & P1NP from my functional medicine aprn to order these 2 tests before I go on Forteo. And you need to monitor those tests while on it to see if it's working. I'm planning on contacting Dr. Keith McCormick to review all of my tests for his opinion. Just have to get my dexa scans on a CD since I'm unable to print them in the medical/patient portal they are located in.


Yes, and my understanding is that the P1NP and CTX should be done every 3 months or so.


Yes, and my understanding is that the P1NP and CTX should be done every 3 months or so.

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Yes, that's correct. You have to be your own health advocate.


I had three doctors tell me to take an anabolic med for severe osteoporosis or Prolia. None of them suggested the bone marker tests. I allowed myself to be cowed with the first provider I asked about testing these and she said she never heard of them. The second provider I asked, got the same response, but said I wanted them anyway. And she ordered them. This anecdote underscores what others already said, you have to educate and advocate yourself. Many doctors do not know about bone marker tests. Keith McCormick's book gave me the info I needed to ask for the appropriate tests.


I had three doctors tell me to take an anabolic med for severe osteoporosis or Prolia. None of them suggested the bone marker tests. I allowed myself to be cowed with the first provider I asked about testing these and she said she never heard of them. The second provider I asked, got the same response, but said I wanted them anyway. And she ordered them. This anecdote underscores what others already said, you have to educate and advocate yourself. Many doctors do not know about bone marker tests. Keith McCormick's book gave me the info I needed to ask for the appropriate tests.

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I learned it from Dr McCormick book too
And I’ve met him as well
Scary how doctors don’t monitor bone markers
I have a friend that’s been on prolia for EIGHT years
Only gets a bone density
( dexa) every 2 years
She said she’s had HUGE progress
But my understanding is her CTX bone turn over if measured is likely very low
Good luck getting off prolia
Doctor McCormick tells of this situation in his book
Another Dr gave the woman an oral
Bisphosphonate which isn’t enough to stop rebound from prolia for so many years
It’s all so concerning


I had three doctors tell me to take an anabolic med for severe osteoporosis or Prolia. None of them suggested the bone marker tests. I allowed myself to be cowed with the first provider I asked about testing these and she said she never heard of them. The second provider I asked, got the same response, but said I wanted them anyway. And she ordered them. This anecdote underscores what others already said, you have to educate and advocate yourself. Many doctors do not know about bone marker tests. Keith McCormick's book gave me the info I needed to ask for the appropriate tests.

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My doctor said he doesn't order them b/c the results wouldn't change his management plan. Isn't that the whole point of having the tests?? I'm looking for another MD.


My doctor said he doesn't order them b/c the results wouldn't change his management plan. Isn't that the whole point of having the tests?? I'm looking for another MD.

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Yes find a new doctor without the ego that one has

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