How do you adjust to life after a splenectomy? (Diet + Avoiding Fever)

Posted by rmd138 @rmd138, 16 hours ago

Hey y'all, my mother just had a major cancer surgery at Mayo that removed her gallbladder, a third of her stomach, appendix, and spleen. She is now trying to fully understand and live with these new changes to her body. For those of you who had a splenectomy - how have you changed your lifestyle? (Diet/ personal health/ precautions) She is worried about going out in public and catching a cold, because a fever can be incredibly dangerous now that she doesn't have a spleen. Any advice would be very helpful! She wanted me to look for support groups for people without spleens, but I was not able to find one with that specifically in mind. If any of you know of one, online or in-person near Pheonix, AZ, I would love to know about it. Thank you all.

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Hi @rmd138! I am sorry to hear that your mother is going through all of this. I had a similar surgery as a result of a total pancreatectomy about six years ago. I had similar concerns and my doctors have reassured me that life without a spleen is not *that* much more risky than with one provided you receive the pneumonia vaccines as a preventative measure. I do try to stay out of public during cold and flu season (as a general rule) and still have a fairly normal life. Hope this helps and speedy recovery for your Mom!
- Matt

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