Hoping for some advice - 8mm nodule - now pain in my upper back

Posted by js @jstarkman, Jul 22, 2024

I have an 8mm nodule in my lower left lobe that my dr has been monitoring for about 2 years. I have had 3 CT scans since and it appears to be stable. They cannot do a biopsy given the location and my thoracic surgeon said that if it grows he will remove it. My last CT was 4 1/2 months ago and the next is scheduled in another 3 months. For the last week or 10 days, I have had pain below my left shoulder blade when sleeping on my left side and it has been concerning me - I do not want to be an alarmist and as such, I am a bit reluctant to call my thoracic surgeon (who is monitoring me) but I also don't want to ignore something that shouldn't be.

Should I try and have a follow-up CT scan sooner or simply wait and see if the pain gets worse or subsides as perhaps it may be due to something else entirely?

Thoughts would be appreciated.

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I'm sorry no one answered yet. If this was my body, I would let the doctor know. If it's growing and they are concerned about a tissue biopsy ask for a blood biopsy )aka like quid biopsy).


I'm sorry no one answered yet. If this was my body, I would let the doctor know. If it's growing and they are concerned about a tissue biopsy ask for a blood biopsy )aka like quid biopsy).

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Thank you very much for your response and suggestion – I truly do appreciate it.


I had half of my right lung removed a year ago. I continue to cough - some days are worse than others. On the bad days I get a pain on the left side of my back just below my shoulder blade. This has been the case before and after the op. My surgeon does not seems overly concerned but referred me to a respirologist who thought it might be acid reflux and gave me some dietary restrictions and pills - doesn’t seem to help. If that’s all that bothers me - so be it - it doesn’t stop me from doing anything so life goes on!😅


Hi JS @jstarkman, It's so hard to know what to do when we experience new pains and something that just doesn't feel right. My oncologist always tells me to call if I have questions, but I'm like you, I teeter back and forth on when to call. Did you call your doc? Has your pain subsided or become worse?


Hi JS @jstarkman, It's so hard to know what to do when we experience new pains and something that just doesn't feel right. My oncologist always tells me to call if I have questions, but I'm like you, I teeter back and forth on when to call. Did you call your doc? Has your pain subsided or become worse?

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Thank you for checking in. I did call but unfortunately, my Dr. is out of the country and I may be overreacting. I left a message with his assistant to see if he thinks I should have a follow-up CT sooner.


Hello, I was checking to see how you are now with your 8mm lung nodule. I am just starting the surveillance period with mine. (I have four nodules discovered on a scan in Sept 2024. The largest said 6-7mm and had a follow up scan in January 2025 that said 6-8mm) I am thankful that if something is there that I know about it but find the watching and waiting period of not knowing exactly what it is to be a bit unnerving. I had hoped that they would have gone away at my first follow up scan in January. The report said stable and recommend another scan in Sept 2025. About 8 months from now. I am trying to cope! Hope you are doing well.


Hello, I was checking to see how you are now with your 8mm lung nodule. I am just starting the surveillance period with mine. (I have four nodules discovered on a scan in Sept 2024. The largest said 6-7mm and had a follow up scan in January 2025 that said 6-8mm) I am thankful that if something is there that I know about it but find the watching and waiting period of not knowing exactly what it is to be a bit unnerving. I had hoped that they would have gone away at my first follow up scan in January. The report said stable and recommend another scan in Sept 2025. About 8 months from now. I am trying to cope! Hope you are doing well.

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I have had two or three CT follow up scans since fortunately things are stable. Continuing to do follow up scans every 6 to 9 months to monitor.
Try and stay calm and just continue to monitor. Good luck and keep me posted.


I have had two or three CT follow up scans since fortunately things are stable. Continuing to do follow up scans every 6 to 9 months to monitor.
Try and stay calm and just continue to monitor. Good luck and keep me posted.

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Thank you for your reply. I'm glad to know yours is stable and hope that both of ours will stay that way forever! I will continue to update here. Wishing you good health.


I'm sorry no one answered yet. If this was my body, I would let the doctor know. If it's growing and they are concerned about a tissue biopsy ask for a blood biopsy )aka like quid biopsy).

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Sorry to hear you are feeling the pain in your back. Pain radiates to other parts of the body, and you need to be your own advocate. I would tell your dr as soon as possible, they may want to bump up the next scan. Either was, anything that is concerning, you need to tell your doctors, no matter how small it may seem, back pain can be caused from a number of things, including lung cancer. Best of luck.


Sorry to hear you are feeling the pain in your back. Pain radiates to other parts of the body, and you need to be your own advocate. I would tell your dr as soon as possible, they may want to bump up the next scan. Either was, anything that is concerning, you need to tell your doctors, no matter how small it may seem, back pain can be caused from a number of things, including lung cancer. Best of luck.

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Hi @ggmamasita, welcome to Mayo Connect. You are correct, our doctors need to know what we're experiencing, it's the only way that they can help. Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with lung cancer?, how long ago?

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