Hip revision

Posted by ldduck1968 @ldduck1968, Mar 4 7:09am

Hello everyone. I am feeling some serious anxiety and depression today. I may have posted about this already so sorry if I did. My 2 year old hip is giving me some issues. Mainly groin discomfort. I had an MRI done. Doctor called me and told me there is some fluid and loosening of stem and cup. I will have an aspiration done on hip to see if there is an infection. My best case scenario is total hip revision. I am really worried about this. Has anyone here ever have a total hip revision? What was it like afterwards? I see that they break bone and then use a wire to put it back together again. I am so tired of surgeries and hip pain. I just recently did other hip as well 3 months ago and that one bothers a little at the groin area. I am really bummed out and worried about the process the outcome etc. I knownit isn't a death sentence but just spoke with doc 10 minutes ago on phone. I really feel like crap. I apologize for long text and sounding like a wimp.

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I have had four left hip revisions.
No problems


I have had four left hip revisions.
No problems

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Just curious, why 4 hip revision if no problem? My wife had to have revisions on both hips because of Cobalt / chromium poisoning and staph infection


Just curious, why 4 hip revision if no problem? My wife had to have revisions on both hips because of Cobalt / chromium poisoning and staph infection

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Avascular Necrosis and osteoporosis I was in my 40s

First doctor lied he did not specialize in AVN put in wrong size hip
2. 6 months later doctor removed AVN and osteoporosis sed cadaver bone

3. Two days later nurse put me on bed wrong dislocated new hip fractured actebulum had to have hip fixed ORIF took a year and a half of pool therapy.
4.AfterCovid no problems but two years later a handicap door malfunctioned threw me into the door jam screwed up hip. The doctor had to drain the blood out of it. Constantly inflamed now plus I have lupus.

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