Hip revision
Hello everyone. I am feeling some serious anxiety and depression today. I may have posted about this already so sorry if I did. My 2 year old hip is giving me some issues. Mainly groin discomfort. I had an MRI done. Doctor called me and told me there is some fluid and loosening of stem and cup. I will have an aspiration done on hip to see if there is an infection. My best case scenario is total hip revision. I am really worried about this. Has anyone here ever have a total hip revision? What was it like afterwards? I see that they break bone and then use a wire to put it back together again. I am so tired of surgeries and hip pain. I just recently did other hip as well 3 months ago and that one bothers a little at the groin area. I am really bummed out and worried about the process the outcome etc. I knownit isn't a death sentence but just spoke with doc 10 minutes ago on phone. I really feel like crap. I apologize for long text and sounding like a wimp.
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My wife in 2022 had to have a total hip revision because she had two staph infection and chromium / Cobalt poisoning, in addition to a loose stem! You describe exactly what she had done! They had to put in a medicated spacer for 8 weeks along with antibiotics. I’m feeling this would be your worse case scenario. Three months out with groin pain is not that uncommon. Hopefully Physical Therapy and / or Home Health are working with you! My wife had her surgery at Dartmouth Hospital in New Hampshire. This made her 6th hip implant! She had both done at the same time in 2011, 2012 she had a revision on her Right because she was dropped on the shower floor in Rehab but the could not do the revision until the femur nerve woke up on her left from being compressed. In 2018 she had her Left hip replaced due to the Cobalt / Chromium poisoning and then in 2022 a complete replacement. I’m sure you will do just fine! One thing ! Have your vitamin D levels checked and have them check for Chromium / Cobalt levels! Her orthopedic surgeon declined so I had her primary check them and shared the results with her orthopedic surgeon! I’m sure my wife would be willing to share her experience with you should you feel the desire! Today, she has very little pain in her hips! She was vitamin D deficient which lead to fractured vertebrae in her lower back; I questioned if this was also caused be the continued injection in her back to numb her from waist down and they say, no, who know for sure?
Not trying to scare you, you will get through this, just be a strong advocate for yourself! Ask Questions and be sure to get answers! Hopefully they put ceramic coated implant!
dannyandebbie, thank you so much for your reply. Hopefully I will not have an infection. I am scheduled to have an aspiration 3/11. afterward see the doctor 4/1 for results and plan. However i do have loose implants. so i will post what the results and plan are. thank you
If it is indeed lose they will have to re-cement it, probably with a next size bigger! They did have to do that on one operation with my wife!
ok. So you say she is dong pretty well?
Yes! Hips are not an issue now, she does go to the gym 3x a week to help rebuild muscles Mass and work on scar tissue with Physical Therapist!
Both of my hips have been replaced. My right one was 6 years ago and the left 5 years ago, same materials used. My right hip started squeaking in Nov. Went and an xray and found out my plastic liner was slipping down my femur ball was moving and could pop out. 3 days later I had revision surgery. The plastic liner was destroyed and the femur ball was scrapping the cup enough to leave metal fragments in my tissue. Strange thing is I had no pain. The recovery time for me was longer than the 1st time. I’ve never heard about wiring your bone though. Have you googled this at all? Infection is serious so you need to take care of this. Keep me posted
Hang in there, big hug! It happens. Science and medicine is an art form as well as a science! don't hesitate to call your surgeons office and make a pest of yourself! You are early in recovery of the second hip. Many of us go on for a LOT MORE joint replacements after our first. Some are good, some not so good! My hip replacements were amazing! One took a very long time the second one was quick because I used the same surgeon. My lumbar fusion was AWESOME. My cervical spine a fail and had to go back three weeks later. Here I sit still healing for 2 years. Now, I am considering returning for more lumbar around the other work. What are my options? to continue to deteriorate and experience pain. I try all kinds of things and will wait awhile until my conservative surgeon wants to go back in. No, its not fun, but I focus on embracing my situation. I do suggest you monitor for infection (take your temperature) and if you have an infection DO NOT DELAY going to urgent care or hospital to rule out sepsis. Good luck!
I have had three left hip revisions. No problems.
1. Left hip surgery doctor didn’t know what he was doing. Avascular Necrosis and osteoporosis
2. Done six months later the first doctor screwed up.
Second doctor fixed the AVN and took it out. Used cadaver bone to build back up my hip.
3. Two days after hip surgery nurse put ne on a bed pan wrong fractured new hip replacement and fractured the actebulum had to have an ORIF put into fix actebulum fracture. Took two years to walk stayed in pool therapy.
4, no problems
thank you
thank you.