High vitamin B12 levels, rashes, itchiness following respiratory virus

Posted by catalinajacobs92 @catalinajacobs92, Feb 9, 2023

Hey 🙂

I'm recovering from a nasty virus that mirrored itself as COVID-19 that I had for 6 weeks from November, and experiencing some long-term symptoms since and wondered if anyone else has experienced them / had any insight?

Before I begin, I have been discussing all of what I write with my Doctor, Nurse and health practitioners! I'm specifically looking for people who have experienced similar symptoms, have any thoughts or insight please.

So at the end of November I had a respiratory virus very similar to covid; high temperature, continuous cough, chest pain, shortness of breath with difficulty breathing, feeling exhausted and very sore muscles, mucas, loss of appetite, migraines, weeziness. I had it for six weeks, and my doctors prescribed me steroids, antibiotics because they were concerned it would progress into pneumonia. I was bed ridden that whole time.

By New Years Eve, I was feeling a little better and more energetic but still had the cough that slowly disappeared. January 1st, I woke severely itchy, across my whole body, like I was set on fire, incredibly hot to touch. The following days the itching continued and I developed Petechiae rash (red, brown and purple spots under the skin) in different areas of my body then a few days later Purpura rash (looks like bruising) appeared in different areas too. I had a slight fever, and felt incredibly fatigued and weak. I've also become really pale (I'm Latina so more olive-skinned but I am whiter than a Caucasian person which is abnormal for me). I put this down to recovering from a nasty virus as it wiped me out for so long.

The severe itching continued, to the point of not being able to sleep. I then developed dermatitis hives on both my feet forming tiny hard lumps so now I had rash above the skin not just underneath. I then started to get coldsores, one after the other, aggressive ones. I also had a slight fever - fast forward to 14th January - I was still experiencing these symptoms so I visited my Doctor.

My Doctor was shocked by the rash and bruising so sent me to the emergency hospital (A&E) for urgent full bloods and examination. They did full bloods, I saw the haematologist, and many doctors who looked at my skin. The rash has always spared my face. They thought it was down to an allergy, so gave me a steroid injection (through an IV, fluids) and prescribed me 30 days of antihistamiens and oral steroids. The Doctor before discharged me asked how I felt since the steroid injection and I felt absolutely no different. Still severely itchy like my body was on fire, I also had a heat rash on top of the different rashes and eczema appearing. I was referred to a dermatologist and sent home.

My blood test came back completely normal apart from raised Vitamin B12 which was double the recommended range and also slightly below average Serum Urea, and APTT (Clotting Screen), and Serum ALT (Liver Function). The rest completely within range.

I have had multiple blood tests every few days, and thorougher checks for Lupis, Leukemia, Inflammatory conditions, HIV etc all to come back normal.

It's 9th February and I am still severely itchy like my body is on fire, I still have Petechiae, Purpura, rash and also a new rash which is a dark red zig-zag line on my hip. I am still getting coldsores, extremely fatigued and weak. I have had blood in my urine without infection. Still have high vitamin B12. Delayed period.

Blood tests are still on going but all coming back the same meanwhile, I feel no signs of improvement and worsening rash.

My diet is incredibly healthy; I am a lactose and gluten free pescatarian. I have intolerances to both Gluten and Lactose. I don't eat much sugar or junk food. Lots of protein, fruit and vegetables. I don't drink alcohol or smoke.

When I was sick with this virus, I was tested for Covid-19 which came back negative and tested everyday. The only time I've had the petechiae rash is following a Covid-19 Pfizer vaccination / boaster just on my shoulder following the vaccinations. I had my last booster at end of November. Despite testing negative for COVID, I'm wondering if this was a new variant and maybe I have too many antibodies or something? I have no idea. I'm. just wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms? It's a mystery to my doctors, and me.

Please share your thoughts thank you 🙂

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Good evening @catalinajacobs92, and welcome to Connect. This forum is successful because we believe in sharing with each other to build knowledge about our health conditions. We also learn what other members have tried successfully and unsuccessfully. What always surprises me is that for every member who has a positive response to a treatment or medication, there is someone who is allergic to or has a negative reaction to exactly the same thing. No wonder it is important to have multiple options from which to choose.

Let's talk about you. I have read your informative post about your medical situation since November 2022. I find it interesting that I also had a digestive virus during Thanksgiving when our grandchildren were visiting. They live in Texas and it appeared like they brought this virus with them to Minnesota. My life partner was unable to eat Thanksgiving Dinner. I spent much of the grandkid's visit in bed with the fatigue you mention. They were so kind, coming and sitting on the bed with me, playing computer games, and reading pop-up books.

You have described your "itch" and skin outbreaks exactly like I have described mine for the last two years. From the beginning, I was treated for what appeared to be contact or atopic dermatitis. I had to replace clothing, bedding, shampoo, and laundry soap among other objects that I was no longer able to withstand. What began to bother me was the fact that the "itch" seemed to originate from inside my body, not from exterior contact.

I was struggling and ended up in the ER or Urgent Care where I was always given another dose of prednisone. I used the UV light treatment at the clinic several times just to help my skin look reasonably healthy again. I went through tubes of topical ointments including a very special one when my face joined the "itch" brigade. When the "itch" took over my body, I would just succumb to an unbelievably sick feeling that sent me to the floor.

Finally, one day, I walked into the kitchen to talk to my partner while he was using polyurethane on the cabinets. Within minutes I had passed out on the floor from a reaction to the VOC, a volatile organic compound. That did it. My dermatologist wrote an appeal for me to receive Dupixent, a biologic, which is injected and not taken as a pill or topical. I was approved and began my first dose in August 2022.

Are you ready......here's the surprise. From the first injection of Dupixent, I have never had an itch, a scratch, a bruise.....absolutely nothing. Even my skin began to heal and the deep scratch marks eventually disappeared. It is as if my skin was brand new again ...... even at this ripe old age of 80. I also recovered my energy, restarted my exercise routines, and enjoyed my long river walks. I am human again.....or at least that is the way I feel.

Just for the record, I also went through a few weeks of COVID in the Spring of 2022. And I have had all of the boosters without any reaction. Like you I have lactose issues sometimes and I tapered off coffee, alcohol, and even sugar trying to find some answers. My only other chronic issue is SFN (small fiber neuropathy) which I have had for about 10 years. I actually use medical cannabis to control the pain and discomfort. And yes, I am able to use a 1:3 CBD/THC balm for the neuropathy tingling in my hands and feet.

So, @catalinajacobs92, I feel like you and I have encountered and endured some similar symptoms. It does seem like everyone experiences this itch phenomenon in different ways. Please let me know if any bells are ringing on your end. I will respond as best I can.

Oh...and I almost forgot, I also had cold sores at one point. I actually have taken pictures of all the different reactions. You may also want to do that just to share them with your clinicians.

When is your next appointment? Is there anything that I might be able to do in support of your efforts? Just remember, I am here for you.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Since I had the
Astrazeneca vacine in Nov 2021 I have been suffering with severe full body skin itching without a rash. I have seen so many specialists and done so many tests but everything is normal. The only abnormality is that I have very high levels of B12.

It seems that most foods and particularly exercise worsens the itching. Unfortunately it has caused severe mental health issues due its persistency. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

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