High ferritin & hematocrit lowered after stopping zinc supplement

Posted by bethmydill2016 @bethmydill2016, Jun 21 7:04am

My ferritin level has decreased to normal from slightly high after I stopped taking zinc. Has anyone else experienced increased ferritin/ hct levels after stopping zinc supplement?

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I've been arguing for years with Quest Lab to rethink their reference range of serum ferritin and include a LOWER range for post menopausal women. Even worse, my doctors don't include serum ferritin in routine yearly blood work. I ask to include it and then they don't. I'm 74 and it goes up every year and now it beyond the upper range. The only way to lower it is through blood donations. Having high serum ferritin is dangerous. It shouldn't be over 100 for older women.


I had high ferritin years ago (I'm 70) due to a medicine that was metabolized by my liver and the iron slowly accumulated. I donated blood a few times to bring it down, and switched meds so no problems now. Ferritin (as opposed to heme iron) tends to accumulate in organs and can cause damage if the levels are elevated. Some medicines, too much supplemental iron, and hemochromatosis (genetic) can result in it.


I'm told zinc will decrease ferritin..Ferritin is not your friend..You can decrease it by giving 1/2 unit of blood..Ask your doctor, if your level is high, to order a phlebotomy just remember if you give blood it needs to be discarded due to your ET. Don't do anything without first discussing with your hemotologist....


My ferritin has already dropped to normal after discontinuing the zinc, which I began taking during Covid in an effort to boost my immunity. My Jac2 genetic test was negative so that was good news. My hct is still 47 and hematology dr will recheck in 6 months.

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