High Anti-Smooth Muscle titer, but not autoimmune hepatitis?

Posted by kac33762 @kac33762, Jun 6, 2024

My main symptom is extreme fatigue for going on 10 months. Onset beginning of September 2023 for no apparent cause.
Multiple tests later, still no definite diagnosis.
I had high ANA 1:320 (patterns homogeneous and speckled).
I had high Smooth Muscle Ab Titer 1:640.
I have normal liver enzymes and had a liver biopsy that was also normal.
What else besides autoimmune hepatitis can cause high anti- smooth muscle antibodies?
My 24 hour urine test showed both low catecholamines and metanephrines, so not sure what that indicates.

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I only understand a tiny bit of your post. but I will say, when I suffered from fatigue, finally found out I have Celiac. Best to you


@kac33762 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I’ sorry, I don’t understand lab values enough to even think of a diagnosis. Also, we’re unable to diagnosis because none of are medical professionals. But, be assured, members will respond with similar labs and stories. Did someone mention autoimmune hepatitis to you or are you just worried about it?

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