Hiatal hernia after Gastric sleeve- what type of surgery works, if any

Posted by vschultz @vschultz, Aug 7, 2023

Hi all, I had a gastric sleeve in 2017, and during the surgery they fixed a small hiatal hernia; I had had GERD for years before the surgery. For a while after the fix, 20 mg prilosec sufficed, but after a year or so I got heartburn and had to go back on 60 mg. dexilante. Then, about a year ago I started having problems eating-- things seem to get stuck in my sternum area and it feels like I'm choking and sometimes I vomit the food back up. After two endoscopies and barium swallows, the surgeon says i have a type 3 hiatal hernia now. Linx isn't an option since I have lots of MRI's for spine problems. The only options are 1. convert to gastric bypass; or 2. surgery to repair the hernia, which the dr. says she does all the time.
She didn't really explain what surgery she would do, since a Nissen can't be done after sleeve.
Does anyone have experience with this, good or bad?
What's the gold standard for surgical repair of a type 3 hernia after gastric sleeve?
Thanks in advance!

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I would call her and have her explain exactly what the surgery entails and what results should be from it . What’s the recovery time , etc …
Maybe google it as well if no one replies on here .
Wish I could be more help .
I’m dealing with 10 years of chronic digestive disorders daily . It’s ruined my life .
Never a days break .
I’ve tried it all .
No surgeries involved.

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