Small intestine bacterial overgrowth

Posted by momochan @momochan, Apr 6, 2016

Hi, I have been suffering from small intestine bacterial overgrowth since last Jan. Have gone through a few courses of antibiotics, but whenever it finished, it came back and the stool got loose. I really am desperate, could anyone have suggestion? .

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Please tell me what you did to rid SIBO. I am still suffering after 2 rounds of rifacimin and other herbal products. Thank you

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I am sad to report that 3 days ago muscle weakness, bone pain, fatigue set in and today I have abdominal pain. Similar to the pain I had when SIBO caused colitis. I fell like diarrhea is imminent. I am trying to decide if I should call GI or wait until full on diarrhea starts. I took Colace on Sunday, went to bathroom Monday but don't want to take it with my abdominal pain because I think it will encourage diarrhea. Ugh! Sorry for the disappointing news.
I get depressed when the symptoms come back:( No appetite, no energy to do my excercise regimen or house work.


I am sad to report that 3 days ago muscle weakness, bone pain, fatigue set in and today I have abdominal pain. Similar to the pain I had when SIBO caused colitis. I fell like diarrhea is imminent. I am trying to decide if I should call GI or wait until full on diarrhea starts. I took Colace on Sunday, went to bathroom Monday but don't want to take it with my abdominal pain because I think it will encourage diarrhea. Ugh! Sorry for the disappointing news.
I get depressed when the symptoms come back:( No appetite, no energy to do my excercise regimen or house work.

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I know it is so frustrating. I am sorry that happened to you and all of us suffering.


Waiting for a return call from my GI due to severe nausea, Pepto only works temporarily.


GI called. He said emphatically, "Do NOT take Pepto Bismol because I do NOT want you to become constipated. Constipation in your case will cause SIBO!" I bought ginger ale, took IBGard for cramps and remarkably things have settled down and I only had massive water stools on one day. Today I feel well. He called in a scrip for Zofran. I will use that as needed when I have episodes of nausea.
He said constipation will give me nausea. I take Colace regularly now so I am not constipated.
Sorry I am rambling.
Have a good weekend.


Glad you are feeling better. I have IBS which alternates between diarrhea and constipation. No SIBO that I know of. One thing that my gastro doc suggested was Benefiber. It seems to have really helped. I saw another person post about Benefiber as well. I have to follow the low FODMAP diet because Fibrous foods can be to much on my system. She explained the Benefiber helps to bulk the stool so I have a little more consistent bathroom habits vs. constipation, diarrhea then pepto to slow things down so I don’t have an accident. Just a vicious cycle. Anyway the Benefiber seems to really be helping. While it’s not perfect because it causes gas, it beats the other. So many of the digestive issues likes SiBO and IBS seem to have similar symptoms, it’s frustrating trying to nail down the problem. This is simple solution if It will do the trick long term. Also taking IBgard and probiotic.


My name is Ella, I am here for support and information. My husband passed away June 1, 2019. He had crohn's disease that turned into small Bowel Cancer. We were not educated enough to keep my late husband out of danger. We were caregivers to each other and other family members. My husband would put himself last when in fact his health was bad. I will never understand how he did it, because his health really was bad. He suffered from two illnesses crohn's disease and later, Small Bowel Cancer. I have become a advocate for both crohn's disease and small Bowel Cancer.

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Ella, I had small bowl cancer last year. In my duo deedum they removed large tumor, they took out 17 lymph nodes and none of those had cancer. A routine EDG a year later showed in the same spot that I had a lesion with high grade dysplasia. They had me do the pill camera and the results just came back today and there's multiple lesions in my small bowel. I'm not really sure what this means! I'm really freaked out and it doesn't seem like there's anywhere on here to ask anyone anything about this. If you or anyone knows of anywhere I can post, please let me know. Thank you!!
And, I just want to let you know I'm very sorry for your loss.

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