Hepatitis B and Collagen Supplements

Posted by lamyen12 @lamyen12, Jul 15, 2021


I'm not sure if this is the right group to ask this question, but I hope some members/specialists/physicians could help. I have had Hepatitis B and joint pain for years now. Recently, I've been looking into some collagen that would help alleviate with some of the pain.

My question is: For people who are diagnosed with Hepatitis B, is it safe to take collagen supplements for joint pain?

Thank you.

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Hello @lamyen12, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. While we wait for other members with Hepatitis B to share their experience with collagen supplements, here are a few links that you might find helpful:

-- WebMD Vitamins & Supplements Search (for collagen): https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/search?type=vitaminscondition&query=Collagen
-- Hepatitis B Foundation - search links for supplements and Hep B (no reference to collagen found): https://www.hepb.org/site-search/results?Search=supplements

It's always best to ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplements. My wife and I add collagen peptides to our morning coffee to help with skin and joints but have never heard of collagen being used for joint pain. Have you discussed taking collagen with your doctor?

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