Hemorrhoid hell

Posted by user_ch783e933 @user_ch783e933, Nov 19, 2023

I have no idea what to do with this horrible thing. I think it might be internal/external, it came out of nowhere early July and I've been trying to resolve it. I lost over ten pounds changing my diet trying to figure out this stinking fiber thing and then I started to lose hair in October because of the sudden weight loss! And this stupid thing won't GO AWAY. I'm too old for surgery, I've read that people my age DIE after removing these things!! WHAT SHOULD I DO I DON'T KNOW!

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sorry if i offended you. didn't mean to "terrify" anyone.
just trying help. but since you have done all already no sense giving unwanted advice anyway.
i hope you find relief.

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I don’t understand all the negativity towards @samclembeau who gave an excellent suggestion. Colonoscopies are one of the basics as you get older. If @user_783e933 didn’t think it appropriate another reader may have gotten life saving advice. There is a very wide audience here.

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