Help with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Feb 22, 2021

I need some help and advice with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome! I have been chasing Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia for almost three years.
I recently read more about Chronic Fatigue syndrome. You can just about throw a blanket over the symptoms of all three, and they match. The information I've read was very helpful, but some symptoms and the way CFS works was very similar to what I have been experiencing.
Any help or reference material would be Greatly appreciated.
I'm seeing my PCP this Thursday. Would like to go in with some information.
From The Land of Enchantment!

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@tigertotheend. Sounds like you’re having a terrible time with local doctors! Can I suggest that you try a comprehensive medical center or a university teaching hospital. The doctors seem to be 1 step ahead of most community doctors. Or Mayo Clinic has a group of country-wide hospitals. You can try going to one of them also, no referral needed. This website gives the locations of the hospitals.
Have you considered Long Covid? Do you have a Long Covid center in your area?

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i do not know about long do i check for local long covid centers? thank you...jim


Hi, @sundance6 Haven’t heard from you in a while! I thought that maybe you were doing great, but I guess not.
Here is the information from Mayo Clinic about ME/CFS.
When you see your PCP, you might ask if any hospital in your state has a program or clinic for ME/CFS. Mayo Clinic now has one, so others may, also.
What do you hope your doctor can do for you and CFS?

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first to find out what this all the doctors have no opinion ...just if the tests do not tell them they go mum and then i ask what are they going to do and the reply is always....well, if the tests dont show anything then there is nothing i can hoping a doctor can do something is beyond them as they themselves dont know much unless a machine tells them what to do....i already take 4 pills for the heart ... supplements like magnesium, vitamin b, potassium, iron, vitamin d.....morning and at this point i am totally not impressed with a doctor as i can go on the internet and put my info into the system and get more answers than from a live person claiming to be a wonder this AI is taking over as doctors are a good example of depending on a machine to tell them what to do.....


Sounds like you possibly may have what is called vaccine injury. Have you tried going to an Integrative Medicine Doctor (Eastern Medicine)? They think outside the box. That's who I had to go to and get treated for Long Covid. I am on many vitamins and am finally seeing some results. It's been 2 years. Several folks have listed their vaccine injury on her and the side effects. Many doctors are not versed in acknowledging this nor how to treat it. It's new to them.
I will try and find the vaccine injury comments and the side effects for you posted on this wonderful website.

Bless you and I will continue to pray for you. Keep me posted please.

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thank you for the info....what you are telling me i have never heard of especially from any of these doctors around please communicate when you can and i will keep searching for help....jim


thank you for the info....what you are telling me i have never heard of especially from any of these doctors around please communicate when you can and i will keep searching for help....jim

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Jim, Look up in your area who treats COVID vaccine injury & Long COVID. The integrative medicine doctor may be the best route to ask about Covid Vaccine Injury. Google Integrative Medicine doctors in your state. Call around. I can't remember, but have you in fact had COVID? If so, I would check to see if there is a Long COVID Recovery Clinic near you. You can Google this as well.

Let me know if I can help any further. Praying for you.


they said i had covid as i was tested 3 times a week for 6 weeks until a registered nurse friend of mine tested me privately and she said no that clinics and hospitals were getting kick backs from drug companies and the federal government to keep the covid thing i dont know if i really had it or not as i did not have any symptoms of covid but i took those shots anyway.....thanks for the prayers ....jim


Hi There! I am Partly Alive! Suffered a bout of Diverticulitis. Was real dumb! I waited for 5 days before i went to the hospital. Every bowel movement was a bowel full of Blood. When I finally went in and they did both a colonoscopy and endoscopy PCP has been doing Iron Infusion by IV.
Finally feeling a little better.
Still am really dizzy, short on breath, really in a Fog and am having trouble staying focused among other things!
Where would someone suggest I go on Mayo Connect to talk to others who have gone through this really has me baffled!
Can someone help?
Sundance ,aka RB

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