Headache for 10 years (migraine ?)

Posted by vj1984 @vj1984, Oct 6, 2018

I have been suffering of headache for almost 10 years. I am working in IT industry.
I have tried to list out everything to know all about headache.

1. One side headache (throbbing). 75% left side and 25% right side headache.
2. Nerve at side of the scalp gets enlarged and blood goes speedily
3. Little blur vision and sometimes flashes
4. Sensitivity to reflected sun or bulb light
5. Sensitivity to thin and high sound
6. Little hot body
7. Feeling hot and little sweat sometimes
8. Weakness
9. Anger
10. Yawning
11. Nausea (never vomit)
12. Confusion and lack of concentration
13. Gas and burps
14. Hard to eat even small bite

I feel symptoms 1 to 5 every time, and other depends on how severe headache is.

What can trigger headache (in 75% cases following list trigger headache)
1. Too much stress or anger
2. Sleeping less or during day time
3. Foods like onion, chickpea flour foods, cold drink etc
4. Facing sun for very long time
5. Too much heat
6. Too much physical activities, sex, long journey during day time
7. Once a week during summer, once a 10 to 15 days in winter (without any above reason)
8. During partial cloudy weather in monsoon
9. Skipping meal or meal at late time

What helps
1. Paracetamol + nimesulide, paracetamol + ibuprofen, paracetamol + diclofenac
2. Giving pressure in side of the scalp (on nerve), back of ear, side of nose near eye, below jaw gives pain relief for time being. Pressure on the side where pain is occurred.
3. Sometimes rubbing Vicks vaporub.

1. This kind of headache has been almost for 10 years.
2. Mother, uncle (mother's brother) also have headache but not all have same symptoms.
3. Tablets give relief in one to three hours.
4. If its just starting of headache (light headache), then half portion of tablet gives relief.
5. Mostly starts during mid night. When getting up in the morning, I start feeling symptoms.
6. Little to mild headache continues throughout the day and getting worse as day passes. Finally have to take medicine.
7. Sometimes headache starts in evening and goes away during night sleep without medicine.
8. After severe headache goes, I feel too weak for couple of hours.
9. During normal days feels energized and peace in brain.

Consulted many doctors (Allopathy, homeopathy, ayurvedic) but all have different opinions,
- Migraine headache
- Gastric headache
- Swelling in one side
- Paracetamol over usage.

Can anybody please tell me what kind of headache it is?
What is the treatment or medicine(safe)?

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@vj1984 I think your headache is somewhat work related because you are working a high stress job, and it changes in response to what you are physically doing. There can also be issues with your neck that might contribute. What kind of posture do you have while at work? Do you look down at the keyboard to type or do you keep your head level or do you slouch and your head goes forward? A high stress job while you have your arms raised or outstretched is a risk for thoracic outlet syndrome which I have. Do you get any arm pain or do your arms feel weak, uncoordinated, or heavy? TOS does contribute to muscular headaches where one side is worse for me. This can also be a problem with the alignment of the upper vertebrae in your spine and the way the skull sits on the top of the spine. If that is skewed because of a muscle spasm in your neck, it does cause muscular headaches. When I get neck spasms it turns my C1, C2 and C3 vertebrae because one side is tighter than the other and it causes headaches and nausea. I still have tight neck muscles and I am working on that and TOS in physical therapy. I'm also a spine surgery patient because of cervical stenosis. I had surgery at Mayo that fixed the disc problem, but I have had trigger points and tight neck muscles for years that have all been tighter on one side. My physical therapist also does myofascial release work to loosen the tight fascia that binds everything together. It's the cobwebby stuff like what you see when you remove skin from a raw chicken and it weaves everywhere in your body. It can get stuck and you might not be able to get your body back into a normal ergonomic posture until the tissue is released. When my neck vertebrae are twisted, I get nausea and I used to have dizziness from this, but that hasn't happened since my spine surgery. My advice would be to have a physical therapy evaluation, but the PT will need to know if you have any spine issues before working on you because if you have instability in your C spine, it could be dangerous. There are also spine alignment issues that can squeeze arteries that go up to your brain. I'm not suggesting that you have that, but since you are describing swelling on one side, it comes to mind. Stress and anger will increase symptoms because your body will tighten muscles. If it's a muscular issue causing the headaches, that makes sense. You may want to consult a neurologist and ask for imaging of your cervical spine. If there is anything indicated for a possible spine problem, then you may want to consult a spine specialist. Physical therapy may be enough to help you as long as it is safe for you. I would suggest consulting experts where they also treat thoracic outlet syndrome because TOS is poorly understood by most doctors and TOS has various complex compression points caused by muscle and bone. That's why I came to Mayo because they understand and treat TOS as well as spine problems and I had both at the same time. Here are some useful links to information. I don't get migraine headaches, but your description does sound like a migraine. The link from the physical therapist explains how physical issues can trigger a migraine. My physical therapist does treat people for migraines. I hope there is some useful information here for you.

Thoracic outlet syndrome


Myofascial Release


Migraine headaches
This article talks about posture with a forward head position and shows examples of a jugular vein swelling on the side of the neck and has some video explanations. This article gets technical, but you could print it out and bring it with you to a doctor. It talks about migraines as a "partial occlusion of the cerebrovascular supply (such as the vertebral artery) or venous outlet (such as the external and internal jugular veins) to or from the brain are the underlying cause of migraines"


@vj1984 ,good afternoon! How are you feeling today? I am very much interested in your case, as many of my friends and family have had to deal with this issue for many, many years. I know you are so ready to find some answers.

There are so many reasons for headaches I hardly know where to begin. Thank goodness you at least have a physician who is agreeable to prescribing some medicine that actually helps somewhat. I know you would much rather not have to deal with it at all! So many of us here at Mayo Clinic Connect, whether patient, visitor, volunteer mentor, or moderator, can identify with your situation. The human body is extremely complex.

I had a head injury in 2002 or so, and of course, went to the emergency room. As I have mentioned on other posts, the young 12 year old attending physician ( He wasn't really 12, but he wasn't very much older!) spent about twenty minutes with me, did no tests other than possibly x-rays ( not even sure of that), and declared me fit as a fiddle. Funny, I sure didn't feel fit as a fiddle. Later on, when I went to a fantastic chiropractor, he showed me xrays which showed how bent my vertebrae were. I had no idea how badly bent my upper spine was. I still, to this day, after multiple surgeries, have to force myself to hold my head up, shoulders straight.

Now, I am not suggesting that your particular headaches were even remotely caused by a head injury. What I am suggesting is this: I have encountered many people whose symptoms defy the textbook definitions, and who were summarily dismissed by their doctors and told that there is nothing they can find wrong with them. Obviously in your case, something is out of kilter. Do not give up. If you are near any one of Mayo Clinic's campuses, I would like to see you snag an appointment with one of their fine physicians. If that is an impossibility, your state's University System Hospitals would be a good next best thing.

Here's to better days ahead for you, and hopefully some answers, sooner, than later! I care about what happens to you, as we all do, here. Please let us know how you are doing. I am confident that there are individuals on here who know patients with many of the same conditions as you. Share with us as little or as much as you are comfortable. Hopeful hugs!


Way too many lists. Find another doctor and take these lists to them. Headaches are very common with no reason why. A medical doctor will sort through these symptoms, these kind of answers can send you in the wrong direction. I am not a doctor so I don't make judgements unless I had the same thing. I have everything! Frankly instead of worrying about all these things, do what I do, I find it fascinating.

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