He finally has surgery appt: How long was your surgery?

Posted by MommaCandy @mommacandy, Feb 16 12:27pm

Well i know i haven't posted here since my own cancer diagnosis but that was because there was nothing new going on, just that hurry up and wait phase.....
my friend finally has a surgery appt for March 12. His body simply couldn't take any more chemo and the surgeon has told him they will be removing part of his pancreas and his spleen. We're actually pretty happy that its finally going to happen and its all in God's (and the surgery team) hands. They have told him because of the way it is, it will likely be a 5-7 hour surgery...idk if that's normal or not but that's what he was told....so that's where we are with him.

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I had a pylorus preserving—meaning none of the stomach was removed—Whipple last fall. It took six hours. It is my understanding that each surgery is different due to what’s found once the surgeon gets in there and what has to be done. In my case, there was a lot of scarring in the pancreas that took a half hour to remove. I was given a range of four to eight hours, so I was average and, the surgeon said, “Average is good. We like average.”


I also want to add I like your profile pic of the chicken? Is she yours? I only ask because when we get a place for my daughter she wants to raise a chicken or 2 (for eggs) not that she doesn’t have enough on her hands with rabbit, dog, Guinea pig, full time college student, and her fish!

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well she's kinda mine.. actually she belongs to my friend who has pancreatic cancer but i take as much care of as he does...her name is Queenie and she lays blue eggs 🙂 you need a min of 3 (i recommend 4-5 hens and a rooster to watch over them) chickens or they will get stressed and can actually die from the stress.. She's one of his 5 hens and he has a rooster named Cleo who we thought originally was a hen but we found out otherwise.. he was the only rooster to survive the bear attack on the coop and he saved Mini-me and Queenie... So he ended up going to the auction and getting 3 more hens for Cleo..so he has a flock of 5 hens all dominckers/barred rock except Queenie..


I also want to add I like your profile pic of the chicken? Is she yours? I only ask because when we get a place for my daughter she wants to raise a chicken or 2 (for eggs) not that she doesn’t have enough on her hands with rabbit, dog, Guinea pig, full time college student, and her fish!


Hello mommacandy
I had distal surgery with 75% of pancreas removed, 100% spleen removed, and 24 lymph nodes tested in 2022 and my surgery took 7 hours. My young surgeon told me it’s the testing of the lymph nodes surrounding the pancreas that takes up most of the time. Before surgery I had 1-2 lymph nodes with possible metastasis (in reality only 1 had). Best wishes for a good recovery.


I believe approx 5 hours is the avg length of time for the surgery.


I believe this is in the usual range. Hope all goes smoothly with the chemo

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