Having Difficulty Getting Diagnosis

Posted by austin132 @austin132, Sep 10, 2021

Hello everyone, I am a 22 year old male that has been dealing with various different types of chronic pain throughout my body. I have seen my primary care physician 6 times and all times he has said that nothing looks to be wrong with me. He has run all the standard blood tests and all have come back perfectly normal.

The pain started 3 days after receiving vaccination but to this day I am still unsure if it is because of that. Only reason I bring it up in this thread is because I was a perfectly healthy athlete before hand. My heart is palpitating constantly, my head feels foggy and constantly hurts, my body feels fatigued even after getting 7-8 hours of sleep at night, and my upper and lower left parts of my abdomen constantly are in pain. My anxiety is spiking but I can’t take medicine for it due to bad reactions to SSRI’s. I have also had trouble holding in urine for long periods of time. If I drink any liquids, about 15-20 minutes later I have to use the restroom. The pain gets worse and worse each day but nothing has come up as the culprit. I don’t really know where to go from here as I was denied from being seen at the Rochester Mayo Clinic. I just need an answer as to how I can manage the fatigue and pain I am feeling. I slowly feel as if I am slipping away and I won’t know what is wrong with me until it’s to late. Anyone know of a direction I can take to get this sorted out?

Thank you!!

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You didn’t mention what type of vaccination you received.


I'm so sorry, Mary. My advice is to find a functional medicine doctor. The Mayo Clinic has a list of them state by state. Get some blood work done and get on some supplements to detox. You can also get IV infusions, which I understand work faster because they bypass the GI system and get right into your bloodstream. Unfortunately, I'd have to travel 3 hours one way to have these treatments, so I'm waiting until the spring to see how I'm doing, then I'll decide about IV treatments. A traditional doctor won't help you with this problem.

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You should be aware that functional doctor care may not be covered by insurance. Medicare does not cover it at all. Also unfortunately any supplements they prescribe will probably not be covered.


@herring 1954. It is very difficult to get an autoimmune diagnosis because the signs and symptoms are so nebulous. The doctors you want to see are internal medicine and rheumatologists. Is your insurance through the Duke U system? You might ask the medical employees office if there are doctors the were educated by Duke University but are self-employed. Then you can look up those doctors, see if they, are taking new patients, and then make an appointment. Just understand that long wait times are common today.
What specific symptoms are bothering you?

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I am having motion , dizziness, head pain and leg pain. I can be just standing and my legs filled like I am moving. Then, I start getting dizzy. I can also turn my head certain ways, I start having motion problems. My neck is always sore and stiff. The ENT physician told I needed to see a neurologist and she an appointment but it is 7 months out. It is Duke university hospital.


I am having motion , dizziness, head pain and leg pain. I can be just standing and my legs filled like I am moving. Then, I start getting dizzy. I can also turn my head certain ways, I start having motion problems. My neck is always sore and stiff. The ENT physician told I needed to see a neurologist and she an appointment but it is 7 months out. It is Duke university hospital.

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Call at least every week to check for cancellations


I called and they continue telling me I am on the cancellation list.


I know how you feel as I have been battling with the same things. I keep hearing this thing about juicing and/or eating whole foods for healing.
I must admit that my current diet sucks but am trying to make an effort to change so that I start feeling better.


I know how you feel as I have been battling with the same things. I keep hearing this thing about juicing and/or eating whole foods for healing.
I must admit that my current diet sucks but am trying to make an effort to change so that I start feeling better.

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One of of the diet changes that helps us is eliminating ultra processed foods and sugar.


I know how you feel as I have been battling with the same things. I keep hearing this thing about juicing and/or eating whole foods for healing.
I must admit that my current diet sucks but am trying to make an effort to change so that I start feeling better.

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Well, I am planning to try it at least for a month to see how I do!

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