Have you tried to quit smoking while undergoing treatment?
The decision to quit smoking is a very personal one. Everyone has his or her own reason that helps start the journey to quit smoking. The diagnosis of a serious illness or chronic condition, like cancer, a heart condition, lung condition, diabetes, might be one reason to quit smoking as part of treatment and recovery.
Are you currently undergoing treatment for a serious illness or chronic condition, or are you a survivor of a serious illness who made the decision to quit smoking while undergoing treatment? If yes, and you feel comfortable doing so, please share the experience of your journey to quit smoking.
Thank you for sharing your experiences anonymously in the online survey. The survey is now closed.
However you can continue to share your experiences here in an open discussion with other members. Your story can help others on their journey to quit smoking.
- Did you decide to quit while undergoing treatment? Why or why not?
- What uncertainties or challenges did you face?
- How did your care providers support you to quit smoking? How could they have supported you differently or better?
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@antelope- Good morning. I'm wondering how you are feeling after 1 month off of cigarettes. What changes have you seen in your body?
@metalneck-Good morning. You will be starting the beginning of your third month of not smoking. How are you feeling? What are you finding helps you during the roughest parts of withdrawal?
@antelope @cinder and @metalneck. Checking in. How are you doing?
@shortshot80- Oh how lucky you were! I never smoked again after I quit, after 35 years. It can be done!
@shortshot80 That is a great report, Nancy!
from Nancy (shortshot) 1975 I was to have surgery next morning, the doc came inn and told me I would have a better chance of coming our of anesthesia if I put the cigarette out. I put it out and NEVER picked up another one. I did have any trouble quitting at all. I Just did it! I had smoked for probably 15 years. Never again. Nancy
quit 1 month ago,difficult but doable,basically it was a reaction to worrying about making a fuss bout pc while smoking,jus plain dumb
@metalneck- I quit smoking a week before my surgery in 1997. It was extremely difficult. It looks as if you have a system set up for dealing with the urges. You might want to look at this group for help too: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/have-you-tried-to-quit-smoking-while-undergoing-treatment/ Hang in there! You can do this!
@bluelagoon-Hello and good morning! What a success story for you! Congratulations. It was 22 years this past year since I quit smoking. It definitely was one of the hardest things that I have ever done. It takes a lot of determination for sure. What helped me the most was developing a mantra that I would say over and over until I had control. My mantra came from my husband who said to me, "If you smoke, you will die."
I connected this with just having been through a lobectomy for lung cancer and a question to myself- Why did I chose to go through this operation? If I didn't have the operation I would die, so I chose to live. By choosing to live that meant no smoking.
Getting in the right frame of mind might be the key! WHat has been your frame of mind- your preparedness to quit smoking?
@metalneck I am an all or nothing person. For me, cold-turkey was the only way to go.