Have you seen this presentation of Gout in RA Patient?

Posted by pb50 @pb50, Aug 29, 2024

Hi. I have RA x 13 years. I had an episode of gout before my RA diagnosis (which my first Rheumy believed was likely my first RA episode) - and i have had RA in smaller toes.

I am well controlled on infusions of Remicade every six wks. But yesterday morning I woke up
with a painful red, swollen great toe base joint (see pic). That wouldn't have been that remarkable but there was boomerang shaped purple path that I feared may be some kind of vascular occlusion so I hauled into the clinic to learn that the main event was gout - in spite of somewhat unusual lack of bilateral presence (tho that changed this morning when I woke to find the other great toe inflamed) and the purple trail was an associated tendon, also inflamed.

I am starting a short 5 day course of 20mg Prednisone tomorrow morning.

Just thought those of you with RA and Gout might find this interesting.

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