Have anyone had a radiation therapy for Brain AVM?
I have been advised to undergo radiation therapy for my brain AVM (3–4 cm in my right hemisphere). Surgery is not recommended due to its size and deep location. In addition, I have a 3 cm aneurysm that my doctor wants to treat with coil embolization. They also mentioned that I have a few vein closures, but they don’t seem concerned about them at this stage.
Doctors talk about side effects easily, but I’d like to hear real stories from people who have actually experienced them. I’m in my mid-50s and, fortunately, have not had any symptoms yet. Because of this, I’m carefully considering whether I should even proceed with radiation therapy for my AVM and coil embolization for my aneurysm.
Therefore, it would be much appreciated if you could let me know the side effects of radiation therapy and coil embolisation and their severity you experienced.
I am so sorry to hear those who have been suffering from AVM symptoms.... I wish you all the very best.
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Hi, @rubyruru - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.
That makes complete sense to want to hear from real people who've experienced radiation therapy for an AVM and coil embolization for an aneurysm. I'm tagging a few Connect members who may have information to share @helenfrances @feroza @avmcbellar @auldcelt @intrepiddoc @lizm2 @levity @loulouburke @echolsleslie @kariulrich.
Hi @lisalucier,
Thank you so much! I'm very new to this forum, so I really appreciate your kindness.