Has anyone with Osteoporosis had resorpsion of teeth?

Posted by drsuefowler @drsuefowler, Jan 8 9:22am

I just went to the dentist and found that I have 2 more teeth with starting resorption. I have had 2 others in the past, one that was replaced by an implant. I wonder if this is the same process that occurs with Osteoporosis. I have Osteoporosis and have broken 5 bones in 18 months. I took a half dose of Tymlos for 10 months and now have been on Forteo for about a month. The dentist thought that these new resorpsions were quite recent. Could these anabolics be responsible? Or is it because I have cut back on my calcium supplements due to having too much calcium in my urine?

My CTX has been consistently higher than my P1NP. Most recent results were CTX 1200 and P1NP 190. This ratio is similar to when I started meds, which was CTX 519 and P1NP 78. One Endo has prescribed Evista in combination with Forteo. I have not started it yet. I take Levothyroxine for hypothyroidism and from what I've read it is contracted by Evista. This endo has also suggested Strontium. My dentist didn't seem to know anything about Strontium.

Having the new teeth resorpsions makes me even more worried about my Osteoporosis. Even though I hate taking medication and try to be as natural as possible, I am now considering the Evista and Strontium in case it may make my teeth and bones stronger.

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I lost a tooth due to resorption recently and my dentist told me that the cause of resorption is not known. I was afraid it was related to osteoporosis and that I might lose more teeth. She told me not to worry about it because it is not related.


I lost a tooth due to resorption recently and my dentist told me that the cause of resorption is not known. I was afraid it was related to osteoporosis and that I might lose more teeth. She told me not to worry about it because it is not related.

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I'm afraid we are caught in a situation between different specialties. Physicians and Dentists rarely talk to each other. All I know is that both problems are resorption. Something in our bodies is eating away both bone and teeth. I hope you don't have any more resorption of teeth, but as I wrote before I have had 4 of them. I only have lost one tooth, since my dentist was able to save one. These recent ones have only shown up on x-ray so far and I want to try to save them.


I have three teeth affected by resorption, one of which was caught early and was hopefully saved via root canal. They are all three next to each other on my lower jaw. My dentist and endodontist both insist there is no connection with my osteoporosis, even though they cannot give any explanation. My dentist is quite vocal about the negative impact of bone drugs, but admits he knows little about the newest anabolics or strontium citrate. He reassures me I can wait and watch until the two teeth either break off or cause pain, and then we will do implants. He says my bone density in my lower jaw is excellent. My initial reaction to this information was just as shocking as my initial response to the osteoporosis diagnosis. I have spent a good deal of time worrying, researching, asking questions, seeking different opinions, trying different supplements…..exhausting. I have finally reached a point of calm. I’m going to do all the healthy things I can, for reasons not limited to bone or teeth, and although I am not anti prescription, I am just not ready to go that route. I have not fractured…yet…. I am probably leaning more toward strontium than anabolics, but rule out nothing. And before anyone starts ranting negatively about strontium, I am completely educated about its controversies, so no need to go there. Taking a drug that might increase density for a year, with possible side effects, and that will necessitate a follow up drug and another and another……so far is not acceptable to me personally. I do understand that I am taking a risk….either way, so I do not tell others to follow my steps. We must live our lives and keep moving as much as possible. Stay well and stay strong!


My dentist told me to wait until these 2 teeth hurt, then have a root canal. Those bottom teeth are so small, I wonder how they could even do a root canal. All of my resorptions are also on my lower jaw. I have read that Strontium is put in replacement teeth and bone implants. My DEXA was great when I was on Strontium last year, but I knew it wasn't accurate. After I quit Strontium, another DEXA was worse. Then I had a REMS test which was worse, but I think more accurate. My dentist said he had never heard of Strontium.


I lost a tooth due to resorption recently and my dentist told me that the cause of resorption is not known. I was afraid it was related to osteoporosis and that I might lose more teeth. She told me not to worry about it because it is not related.

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I empathize and am in a similar boat. Did you wait until it was bothering you or you felt symptoms? Or did you proactively extract it?


My dentist told me to wait until these 2 teeth hurt, then have a root canal. Those bottom teeth are so small, I wonder how they could even do a root canal. All of my resorptions are also on my lower jaw. I have read that Strontium is put in replacement teeth and bone implants. My DEXA was great when I was on Strontium last year, but I knew it wasn't accurate. After I quit Strontium, another DEXA was worse. Then I had a REMS test which was worse, but I think more accurate. My dentist said he had never heard of Strontium.

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Did your fractures occur while you were on medication or prior to starting?


I had 4 fractures before starting meds. I was trying to help my bones the natural way for years. It wasn't working. I started on 20 mcg of Tymlos (2 clicks). I had been on that for 3 months when I suffered a fragility fracture of my foot. I just started on a walk, my foot hurt and it was broken. I am very sensitive to medications, so try to avoid them or take a reduced dose. After the fracture, I increased the Tymlos to 40mcgand that was all I could tolerate. I was on that for 10 months. Now I am trying Forteo.


I lost a tooth due to resorption recently and my dentist told me that the cause of resorption is not known. I was afraid it was related to osteoporosis and that I might lose more teeth. She told me not to worry about it because it is not related.

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Years ago lost a tooth due to resorption and had an implant put in . then another one last June and a root canal done hopefully that tooth will be saved. They really don’t know what caused either tooth to go bad.


I empathize and am in a similar boat. Did you wait until it was bothering you or you felt symptoms? Or did you proactively extract it?

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Years ago my dentist discovered I had a resorption of a tooth root. She burned away the gum and fixed it. She didn't want to do that to the second resorption, so I went to an endodontist who was able to drill the root and add material to make it stronger. That tooth lasted 5 years until it needed to be pulled. Now that I have these new resorptions, I'm wondering if I should be proactive and have root canals before it starts to hurt. Has anyone done that?


Years ago lost a tooth due to resorption and had an implant put in . then another one last June and a root canal done hopefully that tooth will be saved. They really don’t know what caused either tooth to go bad.

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I hope you can save your tooth @kristie2 and that you don't ever get another resorption.

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